'I'd rather you take your sass out on me than on Harry' Liam's words from earlier repeated in my mind and I chose to take his advice, into consideration at least. However, I wasn't going to let down my guard, i'd stay strong because I wouldn't give him the pleasure of seeing me defeated, not again.

"That man has got a heart of gold, hasn't he?" Harry stated the obvious though I couldn't help but to beg to differ.

"None of you has a heart of gold, you kill people." I blurted out with no filter. Maybe I hadn't taken Liam's words on second thought.

Harry pushed his upper teeth, biting down his bottom lips, to clear his chapped lips. His gaze drifted away momentarily before fixing back on my rebellious figure. His long legs whirled closer to me as if he was the world champion boxer and I was his poor opponent that's about to get beaten out of the skull. The view was rather terrifying but I still chose to keep up with my plan.

His face suddenly switched to another emotion. Examining my whole body to my face. My position never moved an inch but looked up to his emerald eyes. He seemed sort of... Intrigued. He bit his lips one last time before asking the most unexpected question he was likely to ask.

"Define life." His warm breath hit my face and I couldn't help but feel taken aback. His once angry eyes had resented into a shade of murky green, giving a curious yet impatient look to urge me to answer his so out of the blue question.

When Liam left the room, I was frankly weighing my options. Talking face to face with my captor isn't an everyday kind of thing and I had to get the best out of such opportunity. I thought of sassing it off against Liam's judgment, arguing with him, trying to convince him into letting me go, giving him the silence treatment etc. but never did I think Harry Styles would throw at me such a thoughtful, unanswered question. That man was unpredictable.

Upon noticing my shock, a small smirk threatened to take over the cruel man's flawless features. He gave me an encouraging nod of his head and I just spilled the first thing that launched to my mind.

"I think life is your fate. No one else is allowed to seal one's fate unless it's God, who granted your fate. Of course you can always change your destiny, as long as you have faith, and everything is under the hands of God." I lectured him, trying my best to smack some sense into his ruthless soul and not get myself in trouble simultaneously.

Harry raised one eyebrow at me. "Religious much?"

I giggled awkwardly and scratched my wrist. "No, not at all I just think someone did grant us the present of life, and did an awful lot of discriminations otherwise everybody would be the same, same race same life."

"You know what." He rhetorically asked. "Let's look at it in a religious perspective for a moment." He trailed off. My great aunt (bless her soul) used to be strictly religious, and I guess some of her opinions and traits had an impact on me. I felt drawn to his words, feeling like he was about to say the most fascinating thing on earth.

"Imagine a situation of daddy getting you a present in Christmas. Just a nice gift of a nice barbie doll with blonde hair and all that shit. Daddy smiles from ear to ear before granting you your gift, and after ripping the wrapper off you find out you actually wanted a complete different doll, that you actually liked the brunette one much better. So, you decide on losing your shit, weeping and shouting, pulling the dolls blonde hair fully off and slashing every part of the gift off its place. What would daddy think? When the gift he has just granted is being destroyed right to his place?"

We made eye contact and I couldn't look away, drown in his forest green eyes. His mesmerising eyes kept me hostage, not giving me space to escape as I noticed the beautiful green rings adorning them. "What do you think, would daddy ever buy you gifts again?"

I shook my head as a no, losing eye contact but a large hand instantly grabbed my chin, tilting my head upward to meet his eyes again. "And what if after a few years, you mature up and ask for forgiveness. Would daddy give you another chance then?"

I felt tears building up in my eyes but I forced them down my throat. Why'd I feel the urge to cry all of a sudden? Before I knew it my mouth spit the answer out.

"My dad never got me dolls to be honest." As soon as the words escaped my lips Harry's head dropped, as if I just shot a bullet through his soul. "But I do see your point."

His eyes darted back to mine, grief and sorrow engulfing the green rings of his eyes, as if expecting me to burst out in tears. The breakdown never came though, why cry about something I was so well accustomed to? And in front of Harry? How pointless.

He suddenly fiddled in his pocket before pulling out a white object.

"I want you to have this." He handed me a new iPhone, and when I say new I mean NEW. A new iPhone six, fresh and neat straight from the store. I gave him a quizzical look. Why would he give me something I could call for help with? I felt like he was trying to change the topic, which I wasn't against.

"I'm not that much of a daft, you've got my phone number, Liam's and Niall's ones already saved in your contacts list which will be the only people you contact. Don't try me, once you call someone beside the three of us i'll know right away, there'll be consequences. Do I need to remind you what i'm capable of Gwendolyn?"

I squinted my eyes at the name and nodded, not trusting my voice to stick with my standing my ground plan. A smirk of approval spread over his plump lips and I forthwith wondered how his real smile looked like, when he truly means it and not just his stupid, usual smirk. "Good girl."

"There are also some games installed, feel free to download some more as long as they're appropriate, i'll know if they aren't." He announced, all grief from before completely gone as he handed me the new iPhone. I thanked him in a whisper which he didn't respond too.

"I've gotta go now." He took a strand of my hair, twirling it around his long finger. His mood had changed again and I felt like backing off, his sudden intimate gestures scaring me to an extent. "Feel free to text me and don't you roam the hallways alone, go to your room. Do you know the way?"

I nodded, gulping at the thought of something dangerous lurking in the building. Harry let go of my hair and motioned his body towards the door "I'll see you later, Gwen-doll."

We both froze whilst the name I hadn't been called for years now slipped out of his mouth. I was about to question him about it but before I had the chance to, his looming frame was already out of the room, rushing out like a blow of the wind.


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