[Chapter 11: Private Discussion]

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"Holy shit...That's...That's messed up..." Laura remarked disgustedly, being blunt with her opinion like always. "They seriously need to learn how to gain a girl's affection, y'know...? Because that's definitely not how you earn it."

"Yeah..." You spoke absentmindedly, relieved when she didn't see through your lie. "Yeah, it's...it's not..." But all of a sudden you thought back to Billy and Stu's words - feeling more and more stressed-out over your current life decisions.

"Billy, wait..." "She's not going to appreciate it if you take out her mother, remember...? You can't scare her like the other psychos did. We have to be gentler...We have to be...We have to be—"

"Careful, Billy. Remember what we talked about last night." "You don't want to be unreasonable here."
"I'm being unreasonable...?"

"—(Y/n)...? Were you even listening to me...?" Laura asked with slight worry, interrupting your train of thoughts a second time and therefore causing you to grow embarrassed.

"Oh, uh, sorry...I guess I'm still a little tired from all of this..." You timidly mumbled, your grip on your backpack's strap tightening while you shifted your gaze over to her again. "What's up...?"

"Honestly, I really think you should visit the Nurse's Office sometime this week...You don't seem like yourself these days..." Laura sighed, standing up straight before facing you directly. "Anyway...I just asked if you wanted to sit with us in the Cafeteria. Y'know, with just Amber, Cadence, Rose and myself...?"

"Sure." You warmly responded, sending her a light smile and making her smile in return. "Sounds great. I'd love to hang out with you guys."

"Awesome...! Let's go then." She said happily, following you towards the classroom door as you both left the room altogether. "We've kept the others waiting long enough."

"Oh Jeez, I hope I haven't made you guys wait too long...!" You anxiously freaked-out, quickening your pace and hurrying in the direction of the Uni's Cafeteria.

"Relax, relax...Sure, Amber's a little bit impatient, but Cadence and I weren't annoyed by you not showing. Heck, after this month, I think we've all just gotten used to your erratic behaviour, so we don't take it personally anymore." Laura chuckled lightly, placing a hand on your shoulder while giving it a soft squeeze.

Her words made you panic even further - making you feel not only guilty, but on-edge now as well. Crap, they really do catch on quickly. Still, letting your friends in on your little "slasher secret" would only scare them, not to mention place them in serious danger. So with a faint sigh, you entered the Cafeteria and caught sight of your friends; grabbing a food tray and ordering some food from the lunch-line before joining them at their table. They all seemed to be getting on well with Rose, Amber and her chatting merrily together. Cadence brightened up when you greeted them all - almost as if she missed you - and Laura got along well with everyone. Happiness washed through your veins after you noticed everything was...Well, everything was just fine. But you spoke too soon. Why? Oh, no reason. Only because

"Hey, (Y/n)!" An upbeat voice greeted you brightly, making you jump and almost drop the drink you were taking a sip out of.

His Infatuation - Slashers x Reader [Book Three]Where stories live. Discover now