"Okay then. Let's go" he says, but waits for me to leave first. The thought that he might grab me as soon as I walk by him hits me, and I consider making a run for it. But he is fast and strong. He would probably catch me before my feet even left the ground. I slowly starts walking and I feel him walking right behind me.

The cold afternoon air hits me as we walk outside, but I try to hide it as well as I can. But apparently it's not enough "you're cold" he says and before I can try to convince him otherwise, a hoodie is wrapped around my shoulders. I instantly freeze up at the touch, but as soon as the fabric is on my shoulders he steps back. "You should zip it up. You don't want to get sick" he says softly. The slow movements he made as he gave me his shirt, seem well thought through. It's like he is cautious not to touch my skin. Does he think I'm gross? I showed. Twice today actually. Maybe that's why he wants me to cover up as well.

When we reach the car, he gets in the driver's seat and I get in the passenger's seat. I stare out the window. The landscape is beautiful, but I can't relax enough to enjoy it. I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. For him to stop pretending and order me to remove my clothing. The image of him hovering over me with his hands on me is fresh in my mind. Now less than 24 hours later, he is acting as if it never happened. Acting as if he genuinely cares for me. I know it's not true. I know he is pretending. But I can't figure out why. Or for how long he will keep pretending. The hoodie smells like him. I inhale the scent and feel a bit more comfortable. I don't know how someone can smell this good but damn it's so good.

"What did you do today? Anything interesting?" He ask as he drives down the dirt road leading to the pack house. "I went out into the woods behind your house" I say not sure why he wants to know. "The woods? That could be dangerous alone. Did you meet anyone?" He ask and park the car. "No" I lie. I'm not sure why I don't tell him about the wolf that attacked me or the black wolf that saved me and followed me back. The wolf stayed in the woods, so maybe it doesn't want to be seen with me. There is a moment of silence before he exits the car. I open my door as well and follow him inside. It's cold so I zip up the hoodie he gave me. It's a little big for me but it's very comfortable and warm. I put my nose in the fabric and inhale again. I remember his sent from the day he lifted me up in bed. The sent is nice and helps calm my nerves. I inhale once more before entering the dining hall.

Marc and I are the first ones at the table, but Jason and Nelly enters the hall as we sit down. They are both smiling and talking. Nelly is wearing a pair of black jeans and a white knitted cropped sweatshirt. Her waist is small and the pants look amazing on her. "Hey Hannah!" Nelly says as she sits down next to me. Marc and Jason walk up to the buffet. Jason whispers something to Marc, and he briefly looks back on me. "If you need some more clothing, products or anything at all, just let me know, okay? We can go shopping if you like! There is a mall nearby" Nelly says with great enthusiasm. "A mall?" I say, not quite sure what she's talking about. Maybe it's a wolf thing? "A mall. A shopping mall?" She repeat. "I don't know what that is," I say and shrug. "Really? You don't have malls in.. Wait where are you from exactly?" Nelly ask. "From my witch coven. It's a small village. It's pretty far away from here. We took a plane" I explain. "Okay. Well a mall is place with stores and food" she says. She sounds a little confused. Maybe it's a common thing around here. "So like a market?" I ask. "Well I guess. Just big and inside a building" she elaborates. It sounds fun, but it definitely costs money to buy things, and I don't have any. "I don't know" I say and hope that she will change the subject. But she doesn't "come on! It will be fun. I promise! We can find you a dress for the party. It's two days away" she says.

Before I get a chance to answer, Marc and Jason sits down at the table. A large plate of food is placed before me. "Eat" Marc says and sits down at the other side of me with a plate of his own. I stare at the plate in amazement. I can practically feel the drool escaping my mouth. But I can't eat this. What would people think? And what would the council members say. I would be punished severely if they found out I ate as one of the first, and then all of this? It clearly belong to someone high ranking! "I shouldn't" I say in a voice so low, that it's barely a whisper. "Why shouldn't you eat it?" Marc ask. He doesn't eat his food either but Jason is eating like his life is depending on him eating as fast as possible. "It doesn't belong to me" I reply, not quite sure how to explain my low ranking. "It belongs to the pack, and you are a guest of the pack. My guest. And I gave it to you. So please eat it" he says. I can feel his eyes on me, but I don't look up. I guess it would be disrespectful if I didn't eat what he gave me. And I would be disobeying his request to eat. And I really want to eat. I'm starving. "Thank you" i whisper and pick up the fork and try what looks like potatoes in some sort of cream. The instant it touches my tongue an explosion of flavor hits me. It tastes amazing! I quickly swallow and take som more in my mouth. Suddenly I understand why Jason is eating so fast. A low rumbling sounds from Marc. Why is he making these noises? What do they mean? He doesn't eat until I'm all done.

My tummy hurts and I'm afraid that I might throw up if anyone touches my stomach. I've eaten everything on the plate. I actually considered to lick the plate clean, but figured it would be considered a lack of manners.

"Damn girl. And here I thought all you could eat was salad" Nelly says and laughs. I feel my cheeks heating up as embarrassment fills me. "Thank goddess I was wrong. I like you even better now" Nelly laughs. I bite my lip trying not to laugh as well. Her laughter is so contagious.

Todays has been a crazy day. And somewhat a good day actually. But now we have to go back, and what if it's the same as yesterday? If I now I owe him sex for the food. Nothing comes for free. Victor told me several times.

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