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Ilsa found himself reclined back in the bed, heat coiling through him. He'd taken his heat suppressants already, so he'd been wading smoothly into his heat. He had a fair bit of clarity, in comparison to the past, admittedly. He wasn't very far in, admittedly, but he felt much better than usual. He wasn't tired or achy, and he was surprisingly calm. Not unaffected, just calm. Perhaps it was because he knew that at any moment, he could call Cassian to his side, so the beginnings weren't as disconcerting. He didn't have to scurry around and prepare, he didn't have to stock up on water and barricade his bedroom door, he didn't have to be afraid.

He was still a little jittery, more just out of habit than anything, though. Inside of Cassian's Castle, Cassian can hear almost everything--save for the living quarters of the staff, which had a sound blocker, and only certain people had the capability to turn it off in case of emergencies. He was fine, because he knew that Cassian was listening in on him to make sure he was okay. He was aware that it might sound intrusive, but the reality was much different in his case.

Cassian went out of his way to give Ilsa privacy. Cassian was so respectful of him, it was an adjustment for Ilsa--albeit a good one. Cassian didn't snoop in his head all the time, he didn't push him to talk about things he didn't want to, he never even questioned him about Caelestes, because in the beginning he'd vowed not to. Ilsa was sure that while Cassian could hear him, he could also hear every other being in the castle. Which was a significant number of people. Ilsa never really paid much attention, honestly, because no one ever really acknowledged him. Ilsa thought perhaps that was an order from Cassian, or maybe it was just more respectful in their culture to leave him be unless something was amiss.

Ilsa didn't really care, to be honest. He'd rather not intrude on Cassian's rule, and it didn't really seem like he had a job, really. Cassian let him help with his paperwork, yeah, but it wasn't an obligation. Ilsa shifted, and it brought a wave of arousal washing over him as he felt the fabric of the panties he was wearing shifted against his cock. Fuck they're so soft, Ilsa thought, squirming around a bit.

He was getting close to his heat, he could tell. He was just about there, really. He could feel the heat beginning to grow, it was slow but noticeable. Ilsa stood up off of the bed and put on his robe, before he walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror shyly. The negligee fit so well, and the fabric brushing against his skin was absolutely fantastic. The fabric seemed to subtly stimulate his skin, making it tingle or... or something that was just absolutely so pleasant. It caused goosebumps to raise every once in a while, because it was just that soft.

Ilsa turned to the side a bit, and then switched sides as he took in his appearance. His hair was beginning to grow out, reaching almost to his chin, and his bright blue eyes were sparkling a little. His cheeks were slowly beginning to tint a bit from the arousal, just a bit, and he couldn't help but smile a little. He was excited. 

He loved his life with Cassian, and the safety, the comfort it brings. He's never been allowed something so safe and happy. It was nice to have someone love him, to have someone that he loved. Waking up in Cassian's arms was one of the best things he'd ever experienced. He'd been pampered more in ways than one, completely spoiled rotten by Cassian. 

Ilsa let out a happy hum as he ran his hand down his negligee before biting into his lip. No one would be affected by his heat, Cassian had said. Cassian hadn't told him he couldn't leave their room, and if he hurried over to Cassian's office now while he still had a bit of composure, he could help Cassian with his paperwork before he went into heat. Cassian had a never ending pile of it, and Ilsa wanted to help him if he could. From his understanding, the heat suppressants would help him avoid smelling as strongly, so in theory, he might not affect Cassian yet...

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