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Ilsa was miserable, but he knew that the end was nearing. It could only last so long, and he was halfway there at his last appointment, and today's appointment he'd been told as much. He was ready, and was more than thankful that Cassian's vampire genes made the baby grow exceptionally fast, because... gross. It was hard to move properly because he was just sore all the time, even so, he couldn't seem to stay still. He couldn't relax because he was always uncomfortable, and even when he was horny as hell he couldn't get relief because the only place he felt safe anymore was inside of his nests. Which he knew he could have sex in, but... they had to be perfect, and washing the blankets and stuff would mess up the scent of them.

He felt like he was losing his mind, because he kept getting the weirdest urges. He wanted to change stuff--he had changed the knobs in the kitchen from the ones with the points to rounded ones even though he never even went into the kitchen, and he had been cleaning things even after the housekeepers had finished. He was just... ready to be not pregnant again.

He wanted sex, and he wanted to be comfortable. He also wanted to hold his and Cassian's baby. He just wanted this to be over. Cassian had been doting on him for like two days now, bringing him his food, drinks, and everything he wanted so that his nests didn't start smelling like other vampires. Ilsa was staying mostly in his nest in Cassian's office. It was his favorite thing ever. The seclusion in combination with Cassian being near him was amazing. He could always see Cassian no matter what. He liked that.

He also liked how quiet Cassian's office was. Cassian scarcely made noise save for when he was talking to Ilsa, so it was just... nice. It was the spot, it felt right. It was up high enough that he had to crawl into it, which felt way more important than he wanted to acknowledge. It was secluded, no one bothered Cassian when he was in his office except for emergencies, in which case it wouldn't really matter where they were, because it was an emergency. The soft blue string lights lit the area up in the most amazing, relaxing way. The curtain added another layer of comfort because while he was still with Cassian, it felt like he was hidden away.

The space was cramped, which just made it feel less empty and lonely, but still big enough for Ilsa, Cassian, and the baby. There were no paintings, no noise, just blissful peace and Cassian. It didn't smell of anything but Cassian, which mattered more than Ilsa could really explain. It put his nerves to ease, and he was feeling so relieved that he felt as if he could melt.

It had air-flow, and the nest itself was soft and it smelled wonderful. It wasn't just nice, it wasn't just great, it was actually perfect. He'd brought bottles and diapers and wipes down to his nest in Cassian's office, and had even brought down clothes. Cassian had put a fridge beneath it so that he could pre-make bottles and keep them chilled.

He'd spent the whole afternoon just organizing the nest as if he planned to keep the baby in there instead of his nursery. At this point, Ilsa was pretty sure that was what his omega was planning, and he didn't have the energy to deny it. He wouldn't mind Cassian squeezing into the nest with him and the baby, if he wanted to... and Ilsa would put the baby in his crib at night anyway... so Cassian would still be able to sleep with him.

It was tidy, elaborate, somewhat impractical, too far from the bathroom, and the walkway behind Cassian's chair was thin enough that it was a struggle to get by sometimes, but that didn't matter. Ilsa felt a sense of pride and relief when he finally managed to get everything he wanted organized just how he wanted it for when the baby got there.

Ilsa collapsed down onto his nest, curling up as much as he could, wrapping his arms around his stuffed hellhound. He was finally safe, finally comfortable, finally feeling just a little less crazy. The only thing missing was the baby, but he'd be there soon enough. Cassian was nearby, which made everything feel so much better. He not only was surrounded by Cassian's scent, Cassian was right with him... and that made all the difference to Ilsa. It seemed odd, him wanting Cassian's scent all around him, but Cassian seemed to understand his motivations more than Ilsa did, sometimes.

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