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When Cassian woke up to the sound of Iden beginning to stir in his bassinet at their feet, he let out a sigh and tiredly pulled his eyes open. Cassian's eyes ran over to where Ilsa was curled up asleep, fighting the urge to sigh again. He was worried, more so than he wanted to be. Ilsa was trying to hide his lack of sleep, but Cassian had noticed it more and more over the past week or so that Iden had been born.

Ilsa was already physically wiped out from the pregnancy, he'd barely rested towards the end except in cat naps, and it seemed worse now somehow. Ilsa scarcely left his nest, unless it was to do something for Iden, which he supposed was the purpose of his nest, but... Ilsa also wasn't sleeping. It might've sounded like a baseless worry, given he was presently sleeping but that was the thing... it didn't last any time at all. Cassian had grown used to Ilsa's restlessness during his pregnancy but this was different, worrisome, and he couldn't put his finger on what his troubles were. He wanted to make everything better, he wanted to see the light come back into his pretty sapphire blue eyes, but he was rather helpless.

Unless he were to use the spell they used to induce sleep, but he'd never forcibly do something like that to Ilsa. He knew that while it might solve the present problem, his lack of sleep, it would only serve to create future problems... like Ilsa not trusting him anymore. Something that Cassian could not allow to happen.

Iden began stirring more, quiet little unhappy noises falling off of his lips as he squirmed around. Cassian carefully rose up out of the nest, fighting the urge to groan. Ilsa could curl up in a ball, but Cassian was left in a strange position that had his legs and back at an odd angle, leading to minor back pain. It'd fade as soon as he sat up completely and rearranged himself, so he wasn't worried. Cassian picked Iden up out of his crib and settled him against his shoulder.

"Good morning little one," Cassian murmured softly as Iden began squirming and whimpering almost immediately. Ah, yes, he's rather partial to Ilsa at night, Cassian remembered as he quietly shushed him. Iden loved Cassian in the day time, but when it was night time, he would cry and cry for hours if Ilsa wasn't the one getting him. Iden let out a little noise and smacked his hand down on Cassian's shoulder, tears forming in his eyes as he blinked up at him.

"I know who you want," Cassian murmured, bouncing him the same way Ilsa always did as he leaned over slightly and grabbed Iden's bottle from the fridge. Cassian shifted Iden around, cradling his head in his arm as he popped the bottle into Iden's mouth before he could start screaming his anger.

Iden seemed to be agreeing with him for the moment, at least until he smacked his hand against the bottle and it went flying. Cassian managed to catch it with the hand that he'd been holding it with, just before the bottle managed to hit Ilsa in the ribs. Cassian winced a little, his eyes roaming over Ilsa who was still asleep, oblivious.

"Iden, that wasn't very nice," Cassian murmured, sighing a little. "Let's change your diaper first, then, hm?" Iden's eyes watered and his lips parted as if he was going to start wailing any moment, so Cassian quickly grabbed the binky out of his bassinet and popped it into his mouth. Iden seemed effectively silenced, at least for the moment.

Ilsa and Iden being close was adorable, but it made things harder for Ilsa. It seemed more like a... biology thing, to Cassian. Ilsa seemed to have the urge to spend every moment... hovering. He seemed worried, almost as if he felt it were his job to care for Iden, and any mis-step would be punished, something that worried Cassian immensely. For one, Cassian tried to take care of Iden but Iden wanted Ilsa.

Once Bitten, Forever Intertwined | Man x Boy | Ⅰजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें