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The morning after Ilsa took the potion to sleep, he woke up feeling magnificent for the first time in what seemed like forever. Everything just felt lighter, the world felt brighter, the bats chirping happily outside were more relaxing, the moon overhead was more beautiful. Basically, Ilsa was just in a foul mood before because he was fucking exhausted, and even he could tell the difference between the before and after. Ilsa was up and out of his nest almost immediately upon realizing that it was actually morning and Iden had been away from him the entire night, heading straight towards his nursery.

Ilsa expected chaos, honestly.

Which was the exact opposite of what he found. Ilsa peeked into the nursery to find Felix, the more quiet of the two twins, bouncing Iden in his arms, a soft smile pulled across his face. Iden, to his surprise, was giggling happily and pulling at the chain on his lapel that connected to the collar of his shirt, making it make a soft clinking noise with each movement. Felix seemed to be talking, but Ilsa couldn't quite hear him because he talked so quietly.

Ilsa wandered into the room quietly, assuming that Felix already knew he was in the room because... well, he's a vampire and they all seemed hyper aware of his presence. Felix suddenly turned, his eyes landing on Ilsa as relief covered his face.

"Did I startle you?" Ilsa asked.

"Admittedly so." Felix said, looking down at Iden for a moment before he stepped forward. Ilsa couldn't help but be surprised, he wasn't used to Vampires not realizing he was there before he even realized they were there.

"Was Iden difficult for you?" Ilsa asked as Felix handed him Iden gently. Felix shook his head.

"Iden and I have an agreement," Felix said, smiling a little as he ran his eyes over him. "He behaves for me, and I send him images through telepathy." Felix laughed a little, shaking his head. "I used to do the same for Cassian when he was a baby."

"I thought your ability only worked in combination with Helix," Ilsa admittedly, scratching at the back of his head.

"It works best in combination with Helix," Felix admitted, "My abilities are significantly weaker when Helix isn't around, which is part of why I need his ability to fuel my own. However, I don't have to be able to read his mind to manipulate his thoughts." Felix paused for a moment, tilting his head. "Helix had the idea, actually, because he could read Iden's thoughts. He was bored, and kept throwing his rattle at Helix. Helix reminded me that I used to manifest pictures for Cassian when he was a baby to keep him entertained--sort of like a picture book. I have been all over the twenty seven realms, and there are many very beautiful places in them." Felix murmured.

"Speaking of Helix, where is he?" Ilsa asked curiously. It wasn't often that he'd seen the pair not together, honestly.

"Helix went to town." Felix explained. "Cassian requested he bring back something special for dinner tonight." Ilsa nodded, not really caring enough to question what it was. He didn't care that much, the food was always good, and hearing the names honestly made him more hesitant to try things because they didn't sound nearly as appetizing as they actually were.

"Fun," Ilsa said, putting Iden on his hip and smiling.

"You look much better than you did the last time I saw you," Felix said, his white eyes sparkling a little as he tilted his head. It was strange to look into his eyes, the lines around his irises were barely visible, leading to an odd sort of... blending that made him look not quite as human as his brother. His eyes looked much more akin to how Naevys's looked, flat... empty, almost, save for the dark black pupil. It was different, uncanny, because his irises were littered with silver in the depths of them, but towards the edges it blurred or something.

Once Bitten, Forever Intertwined | Man x Boy | ⅠМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя