𓊈𒆜 THREE 𒆜𓊉

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Ilsa spent the next couple of days reading literature and working on his new journal--he had it separated into plant life, animal life and insect life. There were so many new things for him to learn and explore. The king had met him for tea each day, and he'd spent time with him each evening after he finished working. Ilsa didn't really know what all he had to do, however he couldn't help but notice that he was busier than usual. That was evident when he had hurriedly explained he'd be missing tea time because of an emergency. He hadn't gone too into detail about it, but Ilsa could tell it was worrying him.

Ilsa couldn't help but be worried that it might be his father--and so that led him to wandering out of the library and walking forward through the hallway, peeking around for life of... some kind. He just wanted to make sure everything was okay... and that he wasn't what was causing the problem. He ventured through the maze of walls, trying to figure out where someone might be. When he happened upon a door.

It was the same kind of door as the king's chamber room door, so he knocked on it softly. When he heard King Cassian's voice coming through the door, he carefully peeked inside. The king didn't even look up from his paperwork.

"Ilsa, darling, you can come in," The king said, and Ilsa flushed a little and walked inside. "I apologize, I know I was supposed to dedicate today to taking you around the grounds but something pressing happened to fall onto my desk," He said, sounding genuinely apologetic. Ilsa was not used to that.

"I wasn't bothered, I was worried--Did something happen?" He asked. The king paused and lifted his head a little, hesitating for a moment before he motioned for him to sit down. Ilsa nodded and sat down in the chair across from him, blushing under the attention a little too much.

"It was just one problematic warlock trying to get past the witches' wards. It's all settled now, the guards caught him and he's been sent back to his realm." The king said after a moment, before he looked back down at the paper in front of him, his hand elegantly moving across the page accompanied by the sound of the nib of the pen scratching against the paper.

"Why did he come here?" Ilsa asked, trying to keep from sounding too interested. He didn't know if it was the same warlock that'd sent him off, but it did seem a bit coincidental.

"He was just madly rambling about finding something he'd misplaced. Everything is fine, dear, don't worry." Ilsa bit his lip and nodded, worry filling him briefly. The warlock he'd met with hadn't given him anything so he couldn't have been looking for him. He'd not misplaced anything, so there was no reason for him to worry. Unless he was the 'something' that he had misplaced, but even so it'd have been more efficient to have simply asked about new travelers to the area if that were the case.

"I won't," Ilsa promised, shifting in his seat a bit and taking a shuddery breath. He hesitated for a moment, unsure what to do. He had only really come to make sure everything was fine and that his father wasn't screaming and kicking up a fuss but now that he was with him, he really didn't want to leave yet. He couldn't really explain it, but he wanted to be around him for some reason. He couldn't explain the urge, he'd lived in seclusion forever, why was it suddenly bothering him? "D-Do you need any help with anything?" Ilsa asked shyly, looking down at his folded hands.

"Do you know how to use a stamp?" The king asked after a moment of silence. Ilsa nodded his head, raising an eyebrow. "Well, if you just want something to do I have some paperwork that needs to be stamped," Ilsa nodded, much too eager to do someone else's paperwork. The king stood up and stepped away, going over to a wooden file cabinet and pulled out a folder that was... thick. It looked like it hadn't been stamped in months. Though he was a bit dizzy by the amount of papers in the folder, he accepted it and pulled the chair closer to the other side of his desk. The king took his seat and then opened another drawer and pulled out a stamp and an ink-pad and sat it down.

Once Bitten, Forever Intertwined | Man x Boy | ⅠTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang