Finale part VII

Start bij het begin

Kichaa: hey, what I tell you about boundaries?

Females: your drawings are always so pretty

Kichaa: really? I was thinking I could've ya know, add a little more texture, and maybe-

Tembo: okay kichaa, focus. Focus...

Kichaa: right right! The monkeys told me that after we hit the caves-

Kichaa: we'll reach 3 peaks! We make it there before the big snowfall and BAM! Shortcut back home! Who's ya pachyderm?

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Kichaa: we'll reach 3 peaks! We make it there before the big snowfall and BAM! Shortcut back home! Who's ya pachyderm?

He then proceeds to do an Asian victory dance

Tembo: okay that's great!

He then lifts up the chains on his front legs

Tembo: when do these come off?

Kichaa then stops and looks to the chains. He did  not think about that or take it into account. Suddenly before either of them could speak, they all hear a roar in the distance and look to see a line of animals lead by a massive agathaumas wearing gold plating on his head and legs with noticeable scars as they March toward the farm

 Suddenly before either of them could speak, they all hear a roar in the distance and look to see a line of animals lead by a massive agathaumas wearing gold plating on his head and legs with noticeable scars as they March toward the farm

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Female: uh oh. This doesn't look good

Male: Tembo! Hide!

Tembo does so as the male and female March up to the agathaumas who snorts and growls to the surroundings. He then jesters to all the animals as they all have a place to rest. Kichaa and Tembo see the chance to escape to the jungle into the bamboo forest. The agathaumas then sniffs the air as looks to the forest and sees nothing but jungle and rocks. He then snorts in curiosity as he proceeds to help himself to the bucket of mangoes it was offered by the farmers

Kichaa leaps onto the giant rock and nudges it to reveal itself to be Tembo as he looks to the animals to see an elephant holding a mango with wiggles on it! Tembo gasps in horror and trumpets as he leaps out of the jungle and charges forward

Kichaa leaps onto the giant rock and nudges it to reveal itself to be Tembo as he looks to the animals to see an elephant holding a mango with wiggles on it! Tembo gasps in horror and trumpets as he leaps out of the jungle and charges forward

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