"Did Colin guess that I needed this? Did he show me... mercy?" - Thought the saddened, disgruntled man.

Rainer was already sitting in his seat, accompanied by Olaf and Agape. Colin decided to stand throughout the meeting, which seemed to the wolf a reasonable gamble. After all, a fox was not a rebel and the sight of him among the most decisive people in the hideout could be perceived by the community as an insult. Doubtless the boy was stressed to speak in front of all the rebels, who not long ago demanded his imminent death. Certainly many of them, if not most, would have continued to sleep more soundly knowing that Magnar's son was dead. However, since unexpectedly the idea of him speaking before the community was supported even by Olaf, no one loudly objected.

The bear himself was probably not convinced that he did the right thing by supporting Colin. However, he had to realize that had it not been for the fox, the rebellion would have already ended in their failure. In addition, allied warriors in the war against Jarl Magnar's tyranny had little choice. If there was any chance of not losing this conflict in the spring, they had to take advantage of it. Olaf realized that even if he wanted to go over to Magnar's side at this point, he could not do so. By betraying the rebellion, sooner or later the sinister, cranky fox would have caught up with him and exterminated him, like the rest of the Jarls who did not support him. Rainer, of course, did not even consider that Olaf might switch sides. They may not have agreed with each other on their style of warfare, but they were allies nonetheless and needed each other.

Loud conversations between the assembled attendees could be heard echoing in the large cavern. When Rainer was sure that the cave was filled to the brim, the man nodded toward Olaf. The man understood immediately what was going on and rose from his seat. He scratched his bear-like, round belly and grunted.

- I ask for silence. - He began loudly, addressing the assembled guests. When those finally stopped speaking, Olaf turned his head toward Rainer and raised a wooden cup filled with root beer. - Before we begin discussing important matters, I would like us all to toast our brother and friend Rainer. We are glad that you are recovering so soon. So let's drink to you being full of strength when the winter is over. "Skal!" - Shouted the man in his low voice, which was supported by all those gathered.

Soon the guests took a few sips of dark beer, cheering and applauding. Rainer himself did not drink alcohol, as he knew that beer would not be conducive to his speedy recovery. So the man smiled under his breath and bowed slightly toward his companions. He did not interrupt Olaf, who was about to introduce the entire community to the topic of the meeting.

- You know it wouldn't have been possible if it wasn't for Magnar's son... - The man spoke slowly, interrupting his speech when his gaze fell on the fox. - ... if not for Colin. - The man then scratched his stomach again reflexively and sighed heavily - Recent events have not been kind to us, and the gods have not favored us. After what happened, I am no longer as sure as before that it was Colin who stabbed Noa. I think I'm not the only one with such doubts....

- That's right. - Interrupted suddenly and loudly Agape. - It was not Colin who committed this crime.

All eyes then fell on the doe herself, who, with an iron face, did not even dare to turn her head toward Rainer. The wolf could perfectly see the single drops of sweat running down her temple, but he did not intend to disturb her either. Now the man was about to see if Agape would comply with the ultimatum issued by the man.

- So who has done this, Agape? - Asked a concerned Olaf. - After all, the gods had just pointed to him during the Tri-court.

- My friends. - Said the woman loudly, who then rose from her seat. - The gods were not with us during the Tri-court. We were deceived. All of us. - She announced, which caused a considerable stir among all those gathered.

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