Projects (Mightyclaws X reader)

Start from the beginning

(H/n) twisted her (s/c) head and neck towards Mightyclaws.
" I just we're partners. ", (H/n) pointed out with a small chuckle.
" Yeah, I just so. Should we start soon? ", Mightyclaws replied.
" Yeah, we should. Get it done, so it doesn't creep up on us, ya know. Also, one thing, do you mind if I come to your sleeping cave to work on the project? My friend, (F/n), was going to use their and I's sleeping cave to work on the project with their partner. ", (H/n) stated with a soft tone.

A small smile appeared on Mightyclaws's face. Then, he nodded.
" Yeah, sure. Why not? I don't think it'll be that much of a problem. ", He agreed with a bit of awkwardness in his voice.

- Short Timeskip -

(H/n) waved goodbye to (F/n) and their partner with her (s/c) talon. After she slipped into the stone hallways, she shook her (s/c) a bit and let out a small yawn. She was heading to Mightyclaws's sleeping cave to work on their project.

She quickly arrived at his sleeping cave. She peered over the cave rim with her (e/c) eyes. She spotted Mightyclaws on the floor with all the materials layed out neatly around him. He had an unrolled scroll out in front of him. He had his claws dipped in the ink and was writing something down.

' Why is he still adorable? ', She thought, with a small smirk upon her face.
She pondered just watching him for a couple of moments, but she decided to get his attention, so they could get working on the project. She tapped the floor with her serrated claws with a bit of force to get his attention. He flicked his dark scaled head up and his gaze landed on her. He quickly put away the scroll he was writing on.
" Hello, (H/n). You can lay down next to me. ", He told her, tapping the open space next to him with his tail.
(H/n) smiled and slithered perfectly into the spot. Then, the two dragonets started to work on the project.

- Another Timeskip -

Mightyclaws and (H/n) had just recently finished the project. (H/n) was going to turn it in to Webs in class today. However, what she didn't know was that Mightyclaws would be turning something to her as well.

It was just another day in history class. Tired and bored dragonets seated in all the desks. The only one who stood out was the NightWing dragonet, Mightyclaws. He was fiddling with his claws as time passed. There was a scroll tucked in his leather pouch. He frequently glanced at it and the clock. He also watched (H/n) with admiration in his eyes.

' She's so beautiful. So kind, funny and outgoing. I wish I was like her. I just hope she likes me too. ', He thought, his heart speeding up.
(H/n) was just drawing on her notes, nothing too special. However, Mightyclaws would've thought otherwise. She was just like him, ordinary yet different from the rest.

Then, the bell rang. All the students quickly rose for their seats. Mightyclaws grabbed the scroll and carefully slipped it into (H/n)'s leather pouch. He was glad that she didn't notice him putting the scroll in her pouch. Then, on his black talons, he scrambled away before (H/n) could notice.
' I hope this works. ', He thought with a small twinge of regret.

(H/n) put her leather pouch next to her bedside.
" That class is like so boring! ", (H/n) shouted, rolling her (e/c) eyes.
" Hey, you've got a scroll hanging out of your bag. ", (F/n) informed her quickly.
" Huh? ", The (s/c) hybrid questioned, turning her head towards it.

And there it was. (H/n) walked over and grabbed it gently with her (s/c) talon. She inspected it, tilting her head.
" This doesn't look familiar... ", She pointed out, quietly.
Then, she unrolled it to look at its content. Her (e/c) eyes widened as she read it.

" What? What is it? ", (F/n) asked, appearing at her side.
" This is from Mightyclaws. He's asking me out! ", She squealed.
" Oh boy, here we go again. Another boy, just hope he doesn't end up like the last one. ", They told her, sighing and shaking their head.
" Oh, don't be such a downer, (F/n)! It's definitely gonna work out this time! ", (H/n) protested, puffing her cheeks out.
" Yeah, yeah. I really don't get what you see in dragons, but I'm trying my best to be supportive for you. ", (F/n) argued.
" Oh, yeah. Why don't you ever get a romantic partner? ", She snapped back, snickering a little.
The IceWing just shrugged and rolled their eyes.
" I'm not sure. I'm just not interested in anyone. Maybe it'll happen, or maybe it won't. Only time will tell, I suppose. ", They said.

" Huh, weird. Well, I'm hungry. Want to go and get some food with me? ", (H/n) offered with a smile.
" Yeah, sure. ", (F/n) agreed, returning the smile.

As the day dwindled into night, (H/n) was just itching to see what Mightyclaws has for her. (F/n) was their best to support (H/n), even if they didn't understand why she was the way she was.
" Now, I'm off to meet the prettiest boy ever! ", She shouted, waving to (F/n).
" Be safe! Don't do anything stupid! ", (F/n) shouted back, returning her wave.
" I won't! ", She replied, zooming out of her sleeping cave.

(H/n) basically ran to where Mightyclaws wanted to meet. The black scaled NightWing jumped a little as he saw (H/n) sprinting towards him. It didn't help that he was nervous as could be. He quickly hid something behind his back.

" Hey Mightyclaws, I'm here! ", She announced, excitedly.
Then, she took a deep breath, finally feeling her lungs twitch with a bit of strain.
" Did you run all the way here? ", Mightyclaws asked.
" Yeah, I did. ", She admitted, still slightly huffing.
" Woah. ", He said, a bit surprised that she would run just to see him.

After a couple of moments, (H/n) brought her (s/c) neck and head back up and her (e/c) gaze went back to Mightyclaws.
" So, what did you want to show me? ", She questioned.
" Right, yes. ", He spoke, turning to a bag beside him.

His talons crawled inside and pulled out multiple canvases. He flipped one of them to reveal a painting of (f/f). He lightly touched it and flicked his talon back towards him. Surprisingly, the flowers formed off the canvas and into the black dragonet's claws. (H/n) gasped a bit while watching him.

" Here. ", He said, gently wrapping the flower behind (H/n)'s ear.
The (s/c) hybrid looked at the flower with wide (e/c) eyes.
" You look so beautiful... ", Mightyclaws gasped.
(H/n) turned her gaze to him. He flinched as he realized he said that out loud. The hybrid slithered closer to him. Then, she pressed herself into his chest, snuggling him affectionately. Mightyclaws just stared at her with shock. He was too stun to speak.
" Whatever kind of confession you were planning on, you don't have to tell me. I will be yours. I want to be, anyway ~ ", (H/n) cooed.

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Take a character that I haven't done before. I hope you enjoy this fluff <3

Published: July 29th, 2022

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