Rodan nods and flies off

Godzilla: if it's a war that that golden bastard wants

He slams his tail to reveal a small horn with a lion carved in the front that blows downward to the center of the planet

Godzilla: it's a war he shall get

We cut to outside the Pokémon school where turtinatoe and mewtwo are sparring to increase their strength and power, so far mewtwo has had 3 wins and turtinator 7, and now mewtwo was getting back on her feet

Mewtwo: you think you can beat my strength?

Turtinator: I don't think, I know

Mewtwo: you seem to forget. I wasn't born a Pokémon, I was created. I was created to be stronger than mew. To be the strongest of all Pokémon

Turtinator: well see about that. Kiawe,

Kiawe: way ahead of you partner

He then proceeds to lift his arms up revealing a wristband with a red crystal inside and swiftly Brings them down as the crystal glows brightly. Turtinator does the same with his arms as they now are in sync

Ash: oh yeah!

Lana: here it comes

Sorrel: what comes?

Kiawe and turtinator proceed to sync with one another as they prepare the ultimate move

Kiawe: the cynic, of mind, body, and spirit! Like the great mountain of akala, become a raging fire and burst!

Turtinator then grows his strength as a great flame surrounds his body

Kiawe: inferno overdrive!

Turtinator then summons a massive fireball from his nose that grows so big into it was almost as big as manny, and blasts it at mewtwo causing an explosion of female and smoke. But as the dust settles, it reveals mewtwo holding up a psychic shield panting with all her might. She then drops it as she collapses to her knees

Mewtwo: you fight well turtinator. Kiawe. You truly are in sync

Turtinator: that's the power of the Z-move

Steven: woah...that...was...AWESOME!!! How...did that?

Kiawe: that, was a Z-move

Kukui: their special moves passed down by the people of alola, it consists of four islands. And each of them has its own guardian Pokémon like tapu loko, lele, bulu, and fini. Only those who participate in an event called the island challenge are able to use Z-moves

Ash: and they are extremely powerful! They can be used when a trainer and their Pokémon are in sync!

Lana: yeah and we should know

Sophocles: each of use have our own Z-crystals

Mallow: yeah! You wanna see them tonight at the party?

Steven: would we ever! I bet manny sid and Diego would love to see them too

Speaking of which, we cut back to the trio on the beach house where we hear baby lei screaming at the top of his lungs with sid holding him upside down

Manny: ugh, you gotta make him stop. I can't take it anymore!

Diego: I've eaten things that didn't complain this much

Sid: he won't stop squirming!

Diego: your holding him wrong!

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