Chapter 16: The Ambush

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Vanitas: Break the law of the universe, lock away their aura, cut off their semblance, take away what make them special! Ability Lock!

They look confused at first, but not long they realize what happened and started to panicked.

Student 1: My aura! I can't feel it!

Student 2: Why can't I use my semblance!?

Student 3: I can't use both of my aura and semblance!

Student 4: What did you do to us!?

They all panicked as a grin appear across my face.

Vanitas: Now, shall we begin the experiment?

The out line of my eyes get a bit bigger as my hair spike up with flame like shape my body grow a bit larger.

Vanitas: SnakeMan.

I then began to use them as test dummies from my new ability, the potion give me the ability of snake while turning my body to rubber.

Ozpin POV

I was sitting in my office watching the surveillance camera seeing the students surrounded Vanitas. I could see they are ambushing him. I watch he take back his book and cast his spell as all the students panicked.

Ozpin: Impressive, he not only can seal away grimms but also take away other aura and semblance. He will become a very important part again Salem.

I then call Glynda and tell her to get him here. After a few moments she walk in having Vanitas inside a giant bubble.

Glynda: Do you know what you just done!?

Vanitas: They deserve it.

Glynda: You just hospitalized 79 Beacon students from first year to third year.

Vanitas: At least they aren't dead.

Glynda: *sigh* What am I going to do with you?

Vanitas: Let me go?

Glynda: Not a chance, Vanitas.

Ozpin: Greeting Vanitas.

Vanitas: Alright so what is by punishment?

Ozpin: No no no, I just want to call you here so we can talk for a bit.

Vanitas: I just hospitalized 79 of your students.

Ozpin: Well they did try to attack you first and what you did can be call self defense.

Vanitas: So you letting me go that easily? You don't want to kick me out?

Ozpin: No your magic is very unique, if I say so myself.

Vanitas: Oh, so you're Ozma.

My eyes widen in shock. He knew about me? Oh no I did let the fact that he use magic slip.

Ozpin: Um, I don't know what you are talking about?

Vanitas: Don't play dumb with me Ozma, how many body have you taken over?

Glynda: What do you mean?

Vanitas: Glynda, have you here about the fairy tale about the men with two souls?

Glynda: That's just a fairy tale.

Vanitas: Well not quite, it was base off a real person and that person is him Ozpin. Or should I say Ozma.

Ozpin: *chuckle* I'm gonna say you really are something Vanitas, I can see why the Vampire of The Blue Moon chosen you.

Vanitas: The fact I was chosen by her is obvious, I said it multiple times already.

Ozpin: I know.

Vanitas: So what do you want?

Ozpin: I want you to teach Beacon students magic.

Vanitas: Not happening.

Ozpin: Oh, can you tell me why?

Vanitas: I don't easily trust people I just meet, I don't reveal it to people I don't trust, most of your students hated me and finally I don't like teaching it to people that I don't trust.

Ozpin: I see. But what about team RWBY? They been spending a lot of time with you.

Vanitas: Since you already know about my ability I won't hide the fact that I been teaching Blake and Ruby magic.

Ozpin: Oh. Fascinating what about Mr Xiao Long and Mr Schnee?

Vanitas: Yang stay to help her sister while keeping an eyes on her while Weiss stay so she won't have to be alone.

Glynda: So that's what the bunk bed are for.

Ozpin: I see how about I made you a part of team RWBY and give you all a bigger room in exchange you focused on teaching them magic.

Vanitas: If they want to learn then sure.

Ozpin: Pleasure doing business with you.

I reached my hand out as he grab my hand doing a hand shake.

RWBY: Vampire Of The Blue MoonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz