71. Rarity's Dream

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We have exited the train.

Twilight Sparkle: Rarity's such a savvy businesswoman. I'm so impressed she used the huge bonus she earned making the costumes for Sapphire Shores' Equestria-wide tour to open this second boutique!

We have just entered her new boutique.

Everyone: Wow.

Rarity: I take it from your reaction that you like the boutique?

Fluttershy: It's lovely.

Y/n: Yeah, this is great.

Applejack: Gosh, Rarity. I know hard work when I see it, and it looks like you worked your hands to the bone!

Pinkie Pie: I don't know. Those hands don't look boney. They look scrubbied and buffied and pedied!

Rarity: Well, despite my 'boney scrubby buffy pedi, I actually have been working very hard! However, I never could have gotten the boutique ready for the grand opening without the help of my new manager Sassy Saddles!

Sassy Saddles: Bust my buttons, Rarity! The your friends from Ponyville!

Rarity: I knew I needed a manager for Canterlot Carousel, so when Sassy showed me her resumé and I saw that she worked in all of the finest boutiques in Canterlot, I hired her right on the spot!

Y/n:(how many boutique's did she quit or get fired from?)

Sassy Saddles: I then laid out this plan, or "pattern" as we say in the fashion biz, for Canterlot Carousel so that Rarity's boutique will be a guaranteed success and those doors will never, ever, ever close!

Twilight Sparkle: Wow, Sassy. Your attention to detail is truly impressive.

Sassy Saddles: I've already put a pin in the first piece of the pattern-Beautify the Boutique! But next was the very crucial pattern piece-Marketing! Turns out that everyone here loves royalty!

Rarity: So I created a collection that beautifully revolves around the royal element of Canterlot!

Sassy Saddles: And it just so happens there's a hot new princess in Equestria!

Rarity: In every poll Sassy Saddles took, you were the most popular princess!

Y/n: Congrats, you're more popular than my mother.

Twilight Sparkle:*smile*

Rarity: Coincidentally, one of my gowns is inspired by the window in Canterlot Castle commemorating your coronation! Y/n if you will.

Y/n: Sure.

I pulled a blanket off of a dress.

Rarity: While I've always prided myself on paying attention to detail, I've taken my latest collection to a whole new level with "Rarity's Rules of TLC"!

Pinkie Pie: Judging by this baby, TLC stands for Tasty Liquorice Candy!

Y/n: Actually it stands for 'Time, Love, and Couture'.

Rarity: Oh dear, I'm so attracted to you right now! I love a man who listens~

She said wrapping her arm around the back of my neck and starts kissing me.

Twilight Sparkle: Sorry to interrupt, but can we get back on topic?

Rarity: Oh yes, and while I do agree that this dress has potential, I've not had enough time to give it enough love to become couture.

Rarity: But the rest of the gowns in tonight's line have met Rarity's Rules and are ready to be presented!

Sassy Saddles: My marketing research also confirmed that customers that viewed someone famous wearing a gown wish to own that gown for themselves. I call this piece of the pattern Celebrity Status!

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