"Quite curious. I expected you to transform when your clan members released their aura." I bristled and he chuckled. "Calm down tiger, your clan members are actually quite strong, just not strong enough to be part of the King's inner circle,so any newly turned supernatural should have been forced to submit, so its a wonder you didn't. Especially with the fact you're not even an actual vampire but just an enhanced human. Hmm." Just how strong are the people in the King's inner circle?!

He turned back to the two standing facing each other effectively dismissing me. I turned back to see Achilles reassuring and promising Emmett that he won't kill him until Emmett complexion come back.

Then Emmett released his aura and completely transformed soaring into the sky emitting a birdlike screech as he dove towards an untransformed Achilles.

Inches before he slammed into Achilles, Achilles moved to the side gracefully, easily evading him before grabbing unto one of Emmett's wings and bent it so quickly no one saw it but we all heard the sickening crack as Emmett screamed dropping to the ground.

"Let's leave this battle on the ground, shall we?" Achilles asked smiling warmly at Emmett as though he didn't just break his wing in half making it dangle at an unnatural angle with the bone sticking out and Emmett wasn't shouting on the floor from the damage. "Oh get up, you've had worse done to you, don't tell me this is enough to keep you down Emmett." Emmett stayed down. "Have I really let you get this weak? I was so stupid, I have failed in my duties but don't worry, I will rectify that now even if I have to break every single bone in your body to do so. "
Achilles declared ominously, looking for all intent and purposes willing to carry out his threat if Emmett didn't stand up.

No. No. No. I don't think anybody would be able to get up from that! His bone is sticking out of his skin and feathers! It's a good thing I'm not overly skirmish about blood and gore. These people are insane?! And I'll soon be next. I want to run away but I want to live even more!

Emmett staggered up,blood furiously pouring down his back looking severely pale.

"Shouldn't we stop them?!" I shouted,looking over at the twins still lying unconscious beside us where they were carried to.

"Be quiet, don't regulate us to your human standards, do they look human to you?" Prince Odysseus scolded me, giving me a stern glare.

I wanted to protest looking at my friends mercilessly beat each other. However, I knew it was not my place and I was powerless to stop what was happening.

The twins groaned and woke up,wounds almost fully healed,sitting up on the ground, their faces no longer bashed in,flesh and bone reattached and healed as did Emmett's wing as it violently snapped into place and he stumbled, shuddering before charging.

As Emmett attacked Achilles with a barrage of punches and swipes with his talons, Achilles swiftly dodged all of them and delivered deadly blows in retaliation.

Bones crunching with blood and skin splattering on the floor. Achilles obviously was able to end the fight but was drawing it out until Emmett was completely drained.

I looked away.

A heavy presence flashed behind me as a hand curled around me and gripped my face, forcing my face to the scene before me as a face leaned down to press against mine before a deep voice spoke.

"Look at this hybrid." I closed my eyes,I don't want to live like this. "Open your eyes." The deep voice commanded and my body obeyed against my will.

"This is your life now hybrid, whether you like it or not...Or maybe would you rather I kill you now,hmm? Just a snap of your pretty little neck and you'd be free from all this. Should I?" The voice asked as his hot breath brushed against my cheek.

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