Drake came home with Brandon asleep in his arms. He took him up to our room and laid him in there. We haven't had a chance to put his bed together.

Drake took over un packing and I relaxed on our bed. With how big my stomach is getting, it's getting hard to move around, and my back is always hurting. I never went through this much pain with Brandon. But I guess it's because I was only carrying one.

"You alright?" Drake asked me.

"Yeah. I'm just ready for these babies to get here. This pregnancy is more painful than the one with Brandon."

"What do you mean painful?"

"I'm carrying at least 9 pounds on my stomach. They're getting heavier and heavier."
"Is it really that bad?"

"You sound like a total guy. You have no idea what it's like being pregnant."
"And I don't want to know."

Next Day

I woke up to find Brando and Drake gone. I got out of bed and made my way downstairs. Drake was making breakfast and Brandon was entertaining himself with toys.

"I see he doesn't mind not having a TV." I said.

Drake turned to look at me and smiled. "He bugged me earlier, but I finally got him to settle down. How are you feeling this morning?"

"Okay. We have the shower, which Kristie insists on taking care of on her own."
"Well the last thing you need is more stress. My parole officer is coming soon though."
"So soon?"

"Well he just wants to meet with me. Make sure I understand the parole."

"Alright, well I guess I'll get dressed then."
I went upstairs and showered. I dressed in faded jeans and a white sweater. I slipped on my Uggs and went to do my hair.

After I was finished I went downstairs and found Drake talking to a man in nice clothes.

"Hi." I greeted.

"Henry, this is my girlfriend Hayden." Drake introduced.

"Nice to meet you." Henry said, shaking my hand. "I think you should be here for the discussion too."


I sat down on a nearby box since my back was beginning to hurt Henry and Drake stood.

"My job is to make sure you don't start selling drugs again. I am to check your house twice a month at random. You'll never know when I'm coming. I need to know where you work and your hours, write them down on this piece of paper."
Henry handed me the paper first and I wrote down where I work and my hours. I also wrote down what school I go to and the days. I then handed the paper off to Drake. Drake still has his job, but that's because he made something up. They have no idea where he really was.

"Thank you." Henry said, taking the paper from Drake. "That's all I need. I'm going to take a look around and I'll be on my way."

While Henry looked around, the three of us ate our breakfast. The shower is in a little over an hour so I don't want to eat too much.

"Did you have a parole officer before?" I asked Drake.

"Yeah, but only for 6 months."

"I don't like the idea of some stranger showing up at any time and searching our house."
"It's not that bad. I promise. It's simple. Before you know it, it'll feel like routine."

"I don't want it to feel like routine. I want it to stop."
"Well I promise this is the last time we're going to deal with a parole officer."

After Henry left I got Brandon ready while Drake got dressed. Brandon put his arms up and let me slip on his shirt.

My Growing Family ('My Baby's Daddy Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now