
We all sat at the table, looking at the menu. Looking through the intensely described food made me realise why I never went to a posh restaurant anymore and why I didn't have food like this anymore. Sous vide, tartare, confit. I never got why they needed such fancy terms. No matter how long it took for the chef to cook and how detailed the description was of each item, all the portions would always turn out to be tiny. They were just enough to feed a bird.

Why did Jacob have to choose this place?

I looked up at Beth and saw the look of mortal terror. She was just as clueless as me about what to order. I closed the menu and placed it on the table.

"You okay?" Dorian asked, noticing me getting up from the table.

"Yeah," I gave him a small smile. "I'm just going to go to the bathroom."

I noticed that Beth had gotten up as well.

"I haven't been in ages. Don't judge!"

Jacob rolled his eyes at his fiancé and looked down at the menu again with a smile.

As the two of us walked towards the door that showed the ladies' sign, I couldn't help but notice something about the restaurant. Like New York's upper class, everything was appropriately decorated. They adorned everything with gold or silver. There were renaissance style statues or decorations where there could be. Walking into the bathroom, they embellished the room with gold. Everything screamed rich.

"Okay... I genuinely need to go, even though I know that both you and I have no idea what the hell to eat," Beth said as she went into one of the dark wooden cubicles.

I turned and looked in the mirror to see my reflection. Straightening my hair, I sighed. I felt down and did not know the reason. I heard the flush of the toilet and saw Beth head out of the cubicle, making her way to the sink. As she washed her hands, she looked into the mirror and saw my face.

"You okay?" She asked in a concerned manner.

I shook my head. Beth turned off the taps and headed to the hand dryers to dry her hands.

"What is it?"

"I think I'm just going to go home and finish the paintings and the setting up the Gallery," I explained. "You go and interrogate Dorian with Jacob and annoy the crap out of him."

"Why?" She asked, filled with concern. "I haven't seen you this nervous since Danny-"

She immediately stopped herself from saying any more.

"It's okay," I told her. "You can say his name."

"It's just..." She sighed, showing great frustration. "This isn't the best place for all of us to come because a) The name. I mean, come on! If you're going to name a restaurant, name it after someone who means a lot. Not you bloody self! Stuck-up-ass-hole-Chef-who-cooks-nothing-but-tiny-portions!"

I let out a small laugh at Beth's attempt to make me feel better.

"Stay!" She said, holding my hands with reassurance. "We've got so much to celebrate!"

I looked at Beth. At first, I was unsure. But I realised how much I wanted to stay for this lunch. I was with the people I cared about. And she was right. We had so much to celebrate.

The both of us walked out of the restroom and headed straight to our table. Both Dorian and Jacob seemed to be laugh at something. Beth raised an eyebrow at me.

"What are you guys laughing about?" I asked, sitting back down in my chair.

"Oh, nothing." Dorian smiled, shaking his head. "Just college memories."

The Billionaire Who Stole My HeartWhere stories live. Discover now