'What? Why, what're you gonna do?'

'I'm gonna get rid of him. Get out of sight.'

'But I--'

'Cheryl. Trust me.'

Cheryl bites her lip, but runs quickly into her room. She half closes the door, leaving it open enough to listen. There is another series of knocks. I throw the blanket over my shoulders and mess my hair up a bit, switch on the lamp nearest the door and go to open it, screwing my face up against the sudden brightness of the light.

'The man stood there looks utterly confused when he sees me. 'Can I help you?' I say groggily.

'Who are you?' he demands. I stand up straighter.

'Who are you?'

'I've come to see my wife...'

'Sorry mate but I don't think I'm her. Didn't your...wife...tell you she'd moved?'


'I moved in here a few weeks ago, sorry.'

'The name on the buzzer downstairs still says Cole.'

'Yeah I haven't got round to changing it yet.' I yawn. 'Look, I'm going back to bed. Sorry I can't help you.'

'Hang on a second.' He sticks his foot in the door, stopping me from closing it. 'Did she leave a forwarding address?'

'Why would she leave me a forwarding address?' I say angrily. 'Goodnight, sir.'

Just then, Buster chooses that moment to come waltzing towards us, and starts barking when he sees Ashley. He starts to smile slowly.

'So she didn't leave another address but she left her dog with you?' he smirks. 'Nice try honey. Cheryl!' He shouts over me, giving the door a push. I push back on it, trying to force him out, but his foot is still in the gap. 'Cheryl! Come on baby, I just want to talk to you.'

'Get lost, I'll call Gary!' Cheryl shouts from her room. She sounds terrified. Ashley just laughs.

'You think I'm scared of your brother?' he gives the door an almighty shove and it flies open, sending me stumbling back. Cheryl runs out at the sound of the bang. 'GET OUT!!'

'Cheryl, go back in your room.' I say calmly. Ashley comes forwards and I stand firmly between them. 'Kim, don't, you don't know what he's like.'

'It's alright, Cheryl, I've got this.'

Ashley laughs again. 'Who's this, your girlfriend?' he sneers, still moving closer.

'Get out!'

'Get out.' I tell him calmly. I don't take my eyes off him but he is looking at Cheryl. When I speak he looks to me, still smirking. 'What're you gonna do about it darling?'

He takes one more step. That's all I need. I had my hands ready. I spin around on one leg and swing the other out, catching him right in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. When he straightens up and staggers backwards a bit, I do it again, but this time I slam the side of my hand into his neck. He hits the ground, half in and half out of the flat, choking on the floor. While he's busy catching his breath I casually roll him into the hallway and close the door, then lock it from top to bottom. I crack my fingers with a satisfied sigh and turn around. Cheryl is stood

there, her eyes as round as dinner plates, her mouth open in shock. 'Are you ok?'

When she finds her voice, Cheryl says, 'That was - that was... bloody hell, where did you learn to do that?!'

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