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Keeping secrets from your best friend isn't what you want to do but sometimes it's what you need to do so I didn't want to push Felix too much, but deep inside me it was eating me apart and I was scared that Minho seemed to know who I was.

"Felix... Minho and you" I was cut off by Felix himself

"Minho and I are friends and you don't have to worry about anything okay. He probably knew who you were because I talked about you to my friends before" Felix shrugged his shoulders like it was no big deal while he placed a pick up 2 card in front of me.

"You must speak of me often then huh" I asked him as I picked up my two cards and picked up another cookie.

"Well yeah, its my job" Felix mumbled but I caught his words.

"Your job??" I asked him curiously

Felix's eyes got bigger than normal and he started to get nervous.

"YEah! You're my best friend, it's my job to talk about you to other people to tell them how awesome you are! What else would I mean by that" Felix said nervously.

Another knock came to the door and this time I got up to open the door but before I was able to reach it Felix came up behind me and pushed me off to the side behind the door and told me to stay quiet.

Weird. He's never done that before...

I heard him take a deep breath before he unlocked the door and opened it just enough to be faced with the guy on the other side.

"Jimin" Felix said in a deeper, darker voice than normal.

"Look, I don't want to be here anymore than you want me to be here. I just have a message from RM. He told me to tell you that Minho needs to be more careful about who he threatens. Apparently he's gone and messed with some pretty powerful people and now they're coming to us to try and solve the problem, if you know what I mean." He said with his sweet angelic voice. Ugh I want to see his face to match his voice.

"Why are you coming to tell that to me and not Chan?" Felix asked.

"RM said it would be easier to shake you than that leader of yours" Jimin said while raising his eyebrow and giving a small smirk.

I was about to step out from behind the door but I was stopped by a hand wrapping around my waist and another going over my mouth.

"Shh. Do. Not. Move" Minho whispered in my ear very quietly but it held authority that scared me. It was different then the tone from before, it was scary.

I started to get nervous with the situation as a whole. Why was Felix being threatened. What did they mean by 'Minho threatening powerful people'.

"I don't appreciate the insinuation of harming one of my members" Felix said darker this time sending me into a more anxious state.

"Shh. Breathe. It's going to be okay" Minho whispered to me, I assume it was because he could feel me starting to shake in his hold.

I took some more deep breaths and started to calm down a little bit more. When was Jimin going to leave?

"I'm not insinuating anything Felix, I'm telling you what's going to happen if you guys can't keep a handle on your members. These people don't take well to threats and they'll do whatever it takes to seek the justice they think is necessary. Tell Chan. Tell Minho. Keep yourself in check too. That's all; have a good rest of your evening." Jimin said before turning on his heels and leaving the premises.

As Felix closed the door I pulled myself out of Minho's grip and looked at Felix.

"What the HECK was that about?! And you!" I turned around to look at Minho, "You threatened people, bad people, like some sort of criminal" I turned back to Felix, "And you just got threatened!!" I huffed in confusion and fear.

"It's none of your business" Minho said coldly. "Forget this even happened"

"Forget this happened?! How do I forget my best friend being threatened by a stranger with who knows what!" I shouted at Minho.

"Rose, it's okay. He's right. Let's just forget this happened okay." Felix didn't look happy but you could tell he wanted to forget the whole interaction as well.

"Minho... We're going to have to tell Chan about whatever it was that you did" Felix said sternly.

"Hey, I don't need you telling me what I have to do" Minho said aggressively.

"Actually I think I can in this situation when the lives of our friends are in danger" Felix stated calmly before turning his back and heading back to the living room.

"Rose, come on the game isn't over yet" Felix said as he sat back down on the floor and placed his card down on the already towering pile of various colors.

I huffed and headed back into the living room, Minho following behind me. I sat down and Minho took a seat on the couch behind me laying down on the pillows.

After winning the round Felix shuffled the cards and passed them out.

"Minho, you want to play?" He asked kindly, completely opposite of the threatening voice from earlier.

"No" He said with no emotions. He just laid there.

The game started and after a little while I went to grab a cookie.

"I want a cookie" Minho said.

"So get one" I commented to him under my breath.

I heard him scoff and roll onto his side.

"Rose. Cookie" He said to me again.

"Minho, No" I responded to him. I rolled my eyes and continued playing my hand.

I leaned back onto the couch after my turn and brought the cookie up to eat, but it was rudely snatched from my hand by none other than the sassy man on the couch behind me.

"What the heck! That was mine" I complained to him whining.

"I told you I wanted one, you told me to get it myself so I did, what's the deal?" He asked me with his eyes closed acting like nothing happened.

I rolled my eyes and ignored him.

I would hear Minho making hushed comments about the cards as the game went on and I began to tune out his voice. I yawned after a few rounds of Uno and Felix suggested we head to bed.

"So, I'll take the guest bedroom like usual?" I asked Felix while I gathered my stuff.

"That's my room for the night" Minho stated as he started to make his way up the stairs and towards the guest room.

"You weren't even invited who says you get to make the rules" I asked him jokingly but still a little riled up with his attitude.

"I'm not sleeping on the floor" Minho said and continued up the stairs.

"Rose, you can take my room. Minho and I can share the guest room. I have to talk to him anyway" Felix said sorting things out for the both of us.

"I told you I didn't want to talk about it. The less people involved the better." Minho said to Felix, his tone non-questioning and final.

I saw Felix cower back in fear for a second before he recomposed himself.

"Fine, be like that. I'm going to sleep in the guest room regardless if you want to do the right thing or not" Felix said to him. 

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