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There was something alluring about the dark aura that radiated from the man across from me. I did not like the way that he was making me feel. He was so dominating, I felt so small beside him, but at the same time I wanted to feel like this more.

Let me go back and explain just a little bit...

Felix, my closest friend, had invited me over to make cookies and play games. While the cookies were finishing baking a knock was heard on the front door. Felix had answered it revealing the man in front of me now.

"Minho? What are you doing here?" Felix asked giving him a confused look.

The man, Minho, had rolled his eyes and gazed over towards me.

"What is she doing here?" He asked coldly. I didn't like that.

"She has a name and it's Rose" I responded to him before Felix could.

I don't think he was expecting me to answer his question by the slight rise in his eyebrow and the faintest of smirks on his lips.

"I didn't ask who you were. I asked why you were here" he said his gaze becoming icy and his tone becoming sassy. "And, I also asked Felix that question, so that was rude of you to answer on his behalf".

I scoffed. Obviously this guy and I are going to start this friendship on the wrong foot. What's his deal.

"Minho, what's up" Felix asked in a more concerned and slightly nervous tone.

"I need to stay here for a few hours. Someone's been staking the neighborhood near the clubhouse and I can't risk getting caught" he huffed out while taking a seat on the couch.

He made himself comfortable reaching his arms out and placing them on the back of the couch. He grabbed one of the pillows and placed it on his lap before he hugged it closer to him.

"Why is she here Felix" Minho asked once again but this time more gently.

"I wanted to make cookies" I told Minho while I crossed my arms in front of me and meeting him with the same sass he gave me earlier.

"Felix." He said while gazing at me. "I'm asking Felix" he rolled his eyes and I did the same. The audacity of this man.

"I figured tonight would be a good night to stay indoors, so I picked up Rose and we're making cookies, playing games, and she's going to spend the night" Felix told him.

I've been friends with Felix for a while now and never once have I heard him speak in this particular tone. It was a little scary.

"Does anybody else know that she's here?" Minho asked

"No." Felix responded.

"Good. It's going to stay that way." Minho said as he released the pillow and started to stand up.

I uncrossed my arms and walked towards Minho. "You're not going anywhere until you tell me why you're talking about me as if you know who I am".

"I don't have to explain myself to you" He told me as he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me down to the couch. "Now you sit here, and I'm going to take a shower. Felix, don't forget to lock the doors"

I watched him in shock and attempted to stand back up but as he was walking away he turned around and looked at me directly in the eye casting me a gaze that was so powerful I felt a shock run down my spine. I don't know why but that gaze held more authority than I've ever been faced with in my life and it scared me.

"Felix. Who is Minho and why was he talking like he knows who I am" I asked my best friend.

"He's a friend" he told me, but he didn't say anything more before he walked back into the kitchen and grabbed the platter of cookies.

I got up and followed him to the kitchen. I filled up two glasses of milk and walked back into the living room and placed them on the table.

"Why was he talking about me like he knew who I was" I asked Felix while I ate one of the cookies.

"He wasn't" he scoffed, "don't be ridiculous, he's never met you" he chuckled but it sounded fake and forced.

"So UNO!!" Felix continued as if this night hadn't just gotten very odd very fast. 

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