Every year we get older 💓

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here's a cute one that was requested by hoe4harry94
gonna push some more happy/ cute ones out so i don't just break your hearts over and over LOLL


The two of you go way back. Ever since meeting one another in kindergarten, you've never looked back.

You went to the 6th grade social together and eneded up getting in trouble for knocking over the dessert table.

In 7th grade, you both blackmailed a teacher (who hated the two of you) into giving you both a passing grade. You both still failed Literature and spent the time in detention together.

During the 8th grade field trip to Disney, your parents had to pick the two of you up for sneaking away-which was Austin's idea. Both of your parents grounded the both of you and right after, he still managed to sneak to your house.

9th grade: You guys had most classes together and got in loads of trouble. The most talked about one was starting a food fight. Austin pissed you off a few days before that and at lunch, he tried to approach you. Upset, you dumped a tray of food at him. Some idiot yelled 'FOOD FIGHT!' and chaos ensued. The principal walked into the messy cafeteria asking who started it. All fingers pointed to you and Austin. The punishment was to clean the cafeteria and that seemed to fix your friendship.

10th grade: Austin spent all of Spring Break with you after a nasty breakup. He even got his license before you and he taught you how to drive which resulted into scratching his car after driving too close to a shopping cart in the grocery store parking lot.

11th grade: Went to the prom (which was outside) together and jumped into the shallow lake getting yourselves kicked out, the both of you laughing the entire time.

12th grade: You both graduated together and watched him trip on stage. The two of you threw a wild party after, the cops showing up because of noise complaints.

You both went to different colleges but still kept in touch and still hung out when you had the chance. The night you lost your virginity to some random after a raging frat, you called him crying. Austin then went to see you, making jokes the entire time.

When his mother passed, he lost himself completely. You spent weeks with him, helping him grieve and just being there for him.

No matter what happened, the two of you stayed as thick as thieves, nothing being able to break the strong friendship.

And now here you both were, living together in a nice apartment. The kitchen was always messy due to the fact that he always attempted to cook something. The living room had blankets and pillows scattered over the couch and the television was always on.

Your rooms were next to each other and the walls weren't as thick as you both liked, so you both heard everything that happened in each others rooms.

That was the case for tonight. Austin brought another girl over and you were kept up all night. You turned over, yanking the blanket over your head. It didn't work. The headboard of his bed was continously bumping into the wall and many profanities and lewd noises made it's way to your ears.

The next morning, you forced yourself to get out of bed, your head pounding with a headache due to the lack of sleep. You went to the bathroom tho two of you shared and begun your morning routine.

Teeth brushed and face washed, you trudged to the kitchen, starting up a big pot of coffee.

As you waited for the coffee to brew, the faint creak of Austin's door opening got your attention. You turned your attention to the hall, leaning against the counter.

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