Chapter 14 | Party Animals (Slight Smut)

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Y/N's POV:

I've only been here for a few hours and I was already starting to get bored. I got to meet pretty much everyone, apart from Revenant, but everyone said that that was a good thing. The only ones I got on pretty well was Loba, Ajay and of course, Octavio. Everyone seemed nice however and was pleasant talking to, but now everyone's pissed off their nuts. I wasn't really much of a drinker, along with the fact that I needed to keep my mask on to hide my face, so I was unable to pretty much do anything.

I sat on one of the booths in the bar that was run by Eliot. I must say, it's a lovely place. It gave off a very mordern yet cabin look to it, just like the restaurant that Tavi took me to. Speaking of Tavi, I haven't seen him much since we got here, he parted off to go and order a drink from Eliot then kinda spread out to different groups throughout the night. I will admit, I was slightly upset about it, but I wanted him to have a lot of fun too so I decided to just do the same, greeting everyone.

I pulled out my phone to check the time. It's 11:37PM, ugh, time really does go slow when your doing nothing... I sighed to myself as I watched everyone in the bar, people talking, dancing to music, it made me slightly self-conscious actually. It's fine Y/N, you can go whenever you want. You barely know anyone here, so it's normal is what I told myself as I leaned over the table, scrolling through my phone to keep me entertained until something interesting happens...

"Not a party fan either?" I shot up and looked up, not noticing that someone was already sitting in front of me. A Asian man from the land of Suotamo sat in front of me, his gaze kept to the crowed, showing off his metal-made jawline before looking back at me. He was only in a long sleeved white shirt with a black tie, along with a black waistcoat. I nodded before putting my phone away.

"Yea, this all kinda happened and I was literally told at like 6." I chuckled, looking at him through my mask. He smiled softly before watching the crowed.

"Yeah, Silva is not the best at remembering things." He replied before handing out a hand to me. "The names Crypto, but call me Tae." I took his hand into mine, shaking it firmly.

"Killswitch. It's nice to meet you." This was weird, everyone usually says that Tae was the sort to mind his own business and not come up to others and engage a conversation.

"Tend to keep your real name from others? Good, don't trust anyone here..." He mumbled, just loud enough for me to hear as his eyes shifted to the gatherings of people. I wonder who he's talking about in particular? I only nodded before looking at the now even more drunk people, it seemed as if they were playing a spin the bottle game on the floor, only Wattson and Octavio not taking part. Now that I mention it, I haven't seen either of them two since. I hope their ok... I turned to Tae, making his gaze go back to me.

"You haven't seen Octavio or Natalie have you?" I asked, only for him to point towards the stairs.

"They just walked up the stairs about 5 minutes ago." How did I not notice? I said my thanks to Tae and made my way up the stairs, making my surroundings slowly go more quiet the further I walked away from the main part of the bar. Once I reached the top of the stairs, I could hear faint mumbling coming from one of the 3 rooms that sat amongst the corridor. I walked past the doors, trying to figure out which room the sound was radiating from. I reached the last room of the hallway, placing my ear against the door, trying to hear the faint whispers that came from the room.

"I don't care, Natalie! I'm not interested, your just drunk!" A faint Spanish accent complained. Wait, Tavi?

"Oh come on Tavi, I know you want it..."

"Natalie, get the fuck out of here."

The door suddenly barged open, making me slightly stumble and fall into a familiar chest. I quickly got back up on my feet before looking at a stressed looking Octavio, along with a drunk looking Natalie. Tavi stared at me in shock as I tried to process what was going on.

"I-I didn't hear anything don't worry! I was just wondering where you guys were..." I said quietly, looking down at my feet. I could see Natalie walk up to the door, kissing Tavi's cheek in the process, along with Tavi giving her a disgusted look as she stumbled her way down the stairs. I looked back up at Tavi, only for him to pull me into the room, locking the door. He turned back to me.

"Now before you say anything, I did not do anything with her." He said before anything. I only shrugged my shoulders in slight pain, not understanding what just happened. I stared at the floor for a bit until Tavi walked up to me, grabbing my wrists and placing my hands on his chest.

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