Chapter 5 | New Start, New You

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My body jolted to a sort of sudden impact, waking me up instantly in the process.

"Welcome to the Outlands, please proceed to the exit and await for your tour guide, thank you" The strange voice spoke from the speakers. I looked over to the window of my seat, all to see a square of buildings, towering over the small ship. Orange desert like rocks hide behind the elegant buildings, decorated with small trees and grass. Birds flew across the vibrant blue sky with no clouds to be seen. My mouth slightly parted as I admired what my eyes were witnessing. This place is beautiful... No wonder they don't accept anyone if this is how fancy everything is.

My thoughts were soon cut off by a soft voice speaking to me, with a tint of a french accent. I jumped slightly before looking to my left, only to non other meet eyes with Natalie Paquette herself. My eyes widen as my mouth formed into a smile, still slightly open.

"O-Oh my god your wattson!" I exclaimed, getting out of my seat immediately. "Sorry I wasn't expecting to meet another legend so soon!" I giggled after my sentence as she returned with a smile, holding her hand out to shake mine.

"Oh no worries at all, I'm just as ecstatic to meet you myself!" She returned as I smiled once more. She walked me off of the ship and into a tall building that looked like an office of some sort before handing me a keycard.

"You'll be needing this, most areas are locked with keycards for safety reasons" She exclaimed while gesturing me to the elevator. I walked in, only for Natalie to walk back out and turn to me.

"Well have fun, and good luck on your interview!" She waved with a smile before walking towards the doors of the building. "Wait what? The interviews now? WAIT NATALIE!" The elevator doors shut rapidly before I got a chance to escape. FUCK, I DIDN'T KNOW I WAS GONNA BE INTERVIEWED RIGHT NOW. I started to hyperventilate, what am I supposed to say to them!? What if they ask me about my abilities? Oh no this can't be good. The elevator suddenly started to move. Huh, that's weird, I swear I never pressed the floor butto-

My thoughts were interrupted as the elevator doors swung open, revealing a large room with a long table in the middle, men who looked important in suits sitting alongside as the room was lit by the massive windows on the walls, sunlight shining on the room, and...

Octavio, he's standing right in front of me, but only his eyes were visible as he was still wearing his mask. He slightly jumped, I'm assuming he wasn't expecting anyone to be in the elevator. His eyes widen, looking me up and down. Does he recognise me? We both just stared at each other for a few seconds. The top half of his face was... Stunning. His messy dark hair had green tips as our eyes met each other. It seemed like he was looking straight into my soul through my E/C eyes, however in a heart warming way. I also kept my eyes on his, looking at his features, his deep brown eyes along with an eyebrow piercing to complete the look, before being interrupted by a 'ahem'. We both jumped and both looked to the end of the desk, as a man stood up and nodded his head.

"I see you've now met our new legend Octavio." He spoke in a proudly manner before gesturing me to sit down at the end of the table. "Please, sit. We have much to talk about." He smiled before looking back at Octane, with a slight pissed off look to his face. "As for you Octavio, if I hear one more thing about you I swear-" Octavio cut him off "You'll ban me from doing certain things yes I know, no soy estúpido..." He sighed before looking back at me, rolling his eyes in the process as he made his way to the elevator, keeping his gaze on me. I started to walk out of the elevator, turning around to notice his eyes looking down at my...Ass? He looked back up at me, winking before the metal doors closed on him.

The man began to clear his throat as i turned my gaze towards him. "I'm very sorry about him, just causing trouble as always haha" He laughed off as he nodded to the chair, encouraging me to sit.

I just sat there quietly as the man looked back at his notes, the others keeping their eyes on me. I couldn't help but keep reminding myself of Octavio. So he's a troublemaker?

...Fuck that's hot...

Before my thoughts could turn any wilder, the man finally spoke to me.
"So, I'm assuming you just go by the name of... Killswitch?" He asked which I replied with just a nod. He smiled and flicked through some more pages before intertwining his fingers together, keeping his eyes on the pages. "So it says here, in your application, that you had something that would encourage us to have you in the games. A sort of... Power? if you will." He paused, looking slightly confused and intrigued. I just smiled and took off my jacket, along with my arm sleeve that covered the dreadful scar that covered my whole arm, showing to to everyone. Everyone gasped and slightly moved away from me in their seats, ready to run as if I was going to attack at any moment. I was already preparing to run once someone pulled a gun or something to my head as usual, however, I received something different.

"When can you start?"

You Can't Outrun The Octrain | Apex Legends Octane X F Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now