Finale part III

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The screen changes to reveal a rock mirror, revealing that Robotnik is playing against himself

Robotnik: Hmm?

Robotnik lifts the cup in his hand.

Robotnik: I have been striving to make fungi into a functional drink of choice...

Robotnik lifts the cup to his nose and he sniffs it

Robotnik: Mushroom coffee.

Robotnik sips the mushroom juices only to spit it out afterwards. Robotnik tries another batch, only to spit it out as well.

Robotnik: With limited...

The scene then shifts to the round rock squeezing more mushrooms.

Robotnik: Limited...

Robotnik tries out three more cups of mushroom juices, but spits each of them out in disgust. Robotnik picks up another cup of mushroom juices.

Robotnik: Limited...

Robotnik tries out the cup of mushroom juices, but spits it out in disgust.

Robotnik: Success.

Robotnik tries out a cup of mushroom juices, but slowly spits it out in disgust.

Robotnik: tastes like something crawled into the filter and died

The scene then changes to Robotnik picking rope-like wires out of the Eggpod and walks forward.

Robotnik: But today, day 243 has brought a new optimism to my most pressing endeavor.

The scene switches to Robotnik looking at a large mushroom with rods and a pole, making it look like a radio tower or a satellite transceiver.

The scene switches to Robotnik looking at a large mushroom with rods and a pole, making it look like a radio tower or a satellite transceiver

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Robotnik: Planetus exodus to returnecus and kick blue buttecus!

Robotnik climbs up the mushroom to a monitor screen placed on top of the mushroom tower and proceeds to press a few buttons on the instrument board.

Robotnik: If my calculations are correct, and there is no reason to say this, because they always are...

Robotnik lifts a jumper cable with Sonic's quill in its pincers.

Robotnik: This quill... is going to power my masterpiece.

Robotnik lifts another jumper cable in his other hand.

Robotnik: Let's light this candle... and see who comes a-knocking.

Robotnik clamps the jumper cable on the quill and energizes the power cable, which bolts with blue chaos energy. The tower subsequently creates a shockwave, sweeping a screaming Robotnik off his feet and onto the ground. The screen switches to a shot of outer space as a shockwave of chaos energy generate a stream of light stretching through space before dissipating. Unaware that was just what another life form needed for his spirit to escape the dark void he was banished too

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