Chapter 88 | Make it right

Start from the beginning

"I have not seen him hang around you all. He wasn't even here when you all had a meeting." Jungkook has never left my side; he just goes home to quickly take a shower and comes back. Even yesterday, they all had their meeting here beside my bed.

"Yeah, he said he was...busy somewhere..."

"Jimin," I call him, but he is so lost in painting my nails. I jerk my hand lightly to catch his attention, and it works. He instantly looks up at me, his lips round.

"Jimin, stop lying to me. Tell me what's wrong with Yoongi."

"Noona, I told you..."

"Fine," I snatch my hand out of his grip and turn my face sideways. Jimin sighs in annoyance but grabs my hand back. "Let me finish first, I'll tell you."

I knew there was something fishy. I wait for him to finish, meanwhile my mind is clouded by several thoughts. I think I might know the reason. After he finishes, I eagerly watch him close the cap and when he gets up, I grab his arm.

"Tell me," he points out to keep the color back in the closet. "now." I leave his arm and he relaxes back.

"Well, Yoongi had a fight with Jin hyung, and they have not talked ever since."

"When did they fight?"

"Two days before you were hospitalized," My mouth opens in shock.

"You are telling me now?" I ask. It has been two months ever since. One month of me in unconsciousness, but the last month was all okay, while I was receiving therapies to make my body work again. They never talked to me about it, only Yoongi's absence made me realize it.

"Why did they fight?" Jimin stares at me and opens his mouth slowly. He is going to lie again.

"It's between-"

"Jimin!" I say his name in an irritated tone. "I know you know, don't lie to me!"

"Noona, they just had a small fight I swear-"

"And because of that so-called small fight, they haven't talked for two months? I think you all don't consider me that important in your matters. That's fine."

"No! It's not that." He bows his head. "I just fear it might hurt you," I raise my eyebrows once again. I had a feeling.

"They fought on me, didn't they?" Jimin looks at me in horror, but nods. "Because I was going to America."

"How do you know?" his face is surprised.

"I know. Now tell me everything, and by everything I mean everything."

Jimin sighs, but tells me the whole story. The way they fought, while Jin sided with me and Yoongi was my rival. And how things went ugly and Yoongi brought Jin's personal matters into the fight. It broke me to pieces. It was a highly sensitive matter that got dragged so carelessly for no reason, whatsoever. Yoongi's anger issues were known to all of us, but all for the right things. But now, it felt like going over the line.

"Jin hyung even texted him, but he ignored him as if it was Jin hyung's fault." Jin's face instantly came in front of my eyes. It was visible how down he was. He didn't joke around anymore or even scolded everyone as he always did. I can't believe that they are suffering because of me. It's stupid. It doesn't make sense. I never wanted to be a reason for them to fight, and every passing second makes me guilty. Mom was right, "Decisions in anger take the worst turns."

"Oh come on, don't be sad," Jimin says when he looks at me. "They will be fine. Although I don't understand why Yoongi hyung is being so arrogant? He was the most understanding one between us, and now he is doing all this."

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