Chapter 29 | Breathe

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"Dad, it's getting worse."

These words were too heavy to say. I wasn't breathing right. My lungs weren't filling to their full capacity either. It is that time of the year again when my body refuses to function.

"It is worrying me so much. Did you get the appointment to see Dong Hyun?" Dong Hyun has been treating me since I was diagnosed with asthma. Even at times, he used to visit America just to treat me when I was at my worst.

"Dad, he is not in Seoul, today. I'll see him tomorrow."

"Sweetheart, just rest today okay, and don't rush or run or even walk fast. It would make the pain worse."

"Yes, dad. I will take care."

"It would take a day for me to come, I will come."

"No, dad. I will be okay till tomorrow. You just wrap up your work and come here, permanently. I won't let you go again."

"Hana, take care of yourself okay? I am sorry for not being there with you. Just rest."

I nodded and kept the phone aside. The piercing pain in my chest occurring once in a while is killing me.

Just pass this day!

I lay on my left side, trying to sleep. I don't know where in the world I am, I just want to calm down myself.




You just cannot.

I turned to see Namjoon's incoming call. Why is he calling? I remember he told me there's no such activity today.

"Hana! Where are you?" asked Namjoon. His tone was swift.


"Alright. We will pick you on our way."

"What? To where?"

"You don't know? I texted you last night that Jungkook has a make-up interview today."

While he waited for me to respond, I went back remembering opening Namjoon's text. I was so sleepy, that I never thought about it and slept back.

Oh no.

"Namjoon, it's.."

"Don't worry. We still have half an hour. Get ready!" and then, as usual, he hangs up.

The first thought I had was my health. I cannot go. I would probably faint being out of breath. I cannot guarantee my lungs to work today. But, I don't have enough time to arrange another artist from La Belle. We have to inform them a day earlier. What should I do?

There's no other way. You have to go.

I gathered my lifeless body parts and stood. The world was spinning.

You'll be fine, love.

Dad's words echoed in my ears. I will be okay. I slowly walked to the wardrobe, ignoring the acute pain in my chest again. I grabbed my black top and leggings with a leather jacket.

You can do this.


The world was spinning again. I breathe hard, filling my lungs as much as I could. I stood against the pillar in the lobby when two black vans stopped right in front of the building.

Let's pretend to be okay.

I walked slowly towards the van when Hobi got out of the car and opened the back door for me. His eyes were bright and of course, his teeth were flashy.

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