Chapter 53 | Distance

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I opened my eyes in a dimly lit room. The memory is still fresh in my mind, unlike other times when it took some time to remember what happened lately. I moved my eyes around but felt some friction in my hair. I look up to see Jungkook sitting beside me and caressing my hair lightly, while his head rests against the wall with his eyes closed. I touch the side of his face with the back of my hand, making him open his eyes in a thunderbolt. I smile at his concerned face that is analyzing me now.

"Jungkook," I kept on rubbing my hand against his face until he held it and kissed it.

"How are you?" he asks.

I put my other hand against the mattress and struggled to sit. Jungkook helps me and holds my shoulders until I am finally seated and my head lies on his shoulder.

"I am sorry, I always cause a fuss." He doesn't reply but just tangles his fingers with mine. I opened my mouth again but closed it as soon as I heard a weird sound.

He's crying.

I raise my head to see tears rolling down his face and almost inaudible sobbing.

"Hey, don't cry." I sit in front of him and wait for him to make eye contact.

"It was so stupid," he cries. "They did all this for such a stupid reason. I wish dad was still alive and I could have told him how wrong he was."

My eyes are now stung by the upcoming tears.

"Jungkook," I hugged him, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Let it go."

He pulls himself back and looks into my watery, red eyes. We kept staring at each other with the silence prevailing in the room. "You'll forgive me?" He finally breaks the silence.

"I have forgiven you many years ago. I have nothing against you, Jungkook."

He nods and hugs me, burying his face in my shoulder.

"I love you so much, Hana. I will never go away."

His words felt sweet and warm. I knew that if he had a choice between betrayal and death now, he would prefer to give up on his life rather than hurt me or break our promise again. But the only thing I am still unclear about is whether this was the real reason our parents did that. Jungkook is so right; it seems foolish. Was Miss Ombre still hiding something?

Maybe dad can assure that.


"Wake up, already!" Jimin's sudden shriek makes me tremble and sit on my bed.

"What happened?" I asked multiple times in fear, looking around the room.

"Nothing happened. You just have a flight within two hours, so if you could get up and take a FREAKING shower and get ready!"

He ends his scolding with a sudden smile and leaves the room, without closing the door.

Ah, here we go again.

I get up and walk to my bathroom. Last night was hectic, but Hana's presence made things so much better. I am finally relieved after years that she doesn't hold me responsible for whatever happened. For now, I am just thinking of how will these days pass without her by my side?

[20 minutes later]

I walk out of the shower with my bathrobe on. The clothes are not around, so I walk outside the room to look for them, especially to see Hana. As I stepped outside my bedroom's boundary, Hana suddenly appeared with one of his hands holding a cloth bag on her back and the other hand was on my chest, pushing me backward. She gets in and swings the door closed with her foot.

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