Chapter 37 | Dance

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I sit at the back of the SUV Jimin is driving. He is not wearing his coat, just his white dress shirt, with his newly colored hair dangling. He looks too hot while driving. Jin sits on the front seat, while Jungkook sits next to me. The car would have easily fitted another person if only my dress didn't take much space. Jungkook just looks out of the window.

"So, what are you all going to do there?" I ask, breaking the silence.

"Ah..." Jin speaks. "Namjoon and Yoongi will play cards with their old friends. Hobi will teach his bodyguard fellows his dance moves, and Taehyung and Jimin will..," he stops briefly and eyes Jimin, who doesn't look back.

"They will hook up with someone," Jin finally speaks up.

Listening to him, Jimin steps on the break, making me jump and hit the front seat's back.

"Ouch!" I yelled, rubbing my forehead.

"Are you okay?" asks Jungkook, holding me back to the seat. "YA!" he suddenly yells looking at the rear mirror. "Can you not drive nicely?"

"Jin Hyung! Can you keep your mouth shut?" says the small, angry ball. Jin could do nothing but laugh. Jimin looks back at me.

"Sorry, Noona!"

"Well, he didn't lie, anyway," mumbles Jungkook, as he returns to his position, almost laughing.

"Hana, he is shy in front of you, but not the dozens of the girls he will allure, tonight," giggles Jin. It made me laugh out too.

"What about you and.." I steal a glance at Jungkook. "Jungkook?"

"Oh, as usual, we sit at a corner and drink. If we sit somewhere in-between, girls never stop asking out for a dance."

"Oh right, I can expect that," I say aloud. Jin giggles.

The car finally comes to a halt, with Jimin aggressively putting off his seat belt. I press my hand on his shoulder. "Jimin! Fix your mood. I bet girls won't like this kind." Jimin laughs lightly. "I'm good, don't worry!" he says winking.

We get off the car, joining the other boys getting off from the other car.

We entered through the restricted entrance because the main entrance was crowded by the stupid paparazzi. It all looked good behind the camera when we used to get video clips from very close, but now I face it every day, I have realized how bad it can get. You are happy or sad; these cameras will always barge into your face. I still wonder when I lay unconscious on the ground and instead of getting me up, they were continuously flashing their cameras.

The boys grouped around me, while I stand in the center, and then we walked down the hall. It was an electrifying moment. The whole of the hall stopped and glared at us. The boys maintained their cold vibe, while I tried copying them.

Not even near. Just don't even try.

I don't know who they were; they weren't the same boys I saw daily - the laughing, jiggling babies. Everyone had a unique gait, with their hands shoved in their pockets.

Damn, can we rule the world now?

As I looked around, I could see a dozen of known faces. The hall was star-studded, with many famous personalities roaming around. We stopped in a corner and the boys scattered without saying a word. Jin, Jungkook and I are left.

"Umm, should I go somewhere too?" I babble, looking around the crowded hall.

"Stay with me," says Jungkook, holding my hand. I jerk it instantly.

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