Chapter 87 | Still with you

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My eyes open to endless blue space. My head is placed somewhere that is comfortable enough, and the breeze is making my hair go everywhere. After staying frozen for a couple of minutes, loving the serenity of my mind and the surroundings, I get up to sit. As the vision expanded, I found myself sitting on a desolated bench in the middle of a beach. There are huge mountains around, the sea floating, and the waves gushing to the shore. Though the sky is lit, there's no sun to be seen around, nor any clouds hiding it behind them. I wonder where the light is even coming from. But this is not a place to get worried, it's to just absorb the absolute silence.

  I look around, but there is no one; as if I am the only one here. Taking a big sigh in, I look back at the sea. It's beautiful. I place my head against the back of the bench, seeing the sky once again, but this time, something is triggering me.  I close my eyes and the flashback that follows makes me terrified to my gut; dad, Jungkook.

It's surprising how quickly I remember them out of my unconsciousness; it took me quite a few minutes to recognize even the most familiar places. As I straighten myself, I remember it. I remember visiting mom's grave, I remember that old woman, I remember dad rushing to me from the car. But why the hell I am here? How did I end up being here? Just a second ago, I was lying in dad's lap, and now I am sitting at a desolate beach?

  As the concern overtook me, I stood up from the bench and turned to walk back, but when I did, the standing figure made me jump in shock.

It's mom.

I clenched my eyes close, my teeth gritted; now I know it was another dream. It's another dream where I stand and gaze at her, and cry myself out for not being able to communicate. I am always the third person here. I opened my eyes and the shock grew, even more, when I found her staring at me.

"Hana," she almost whispered, looking at me. My eyebrow furrowed and I looked around to find someone, but when I couldn't even find a soul around, my body was shivering.

"Me?" I say, looking at her. If it's a dream, why am I feeling things? Why do I remember everything? It's weird. She looks a bit older than I saw her last, maybe in her thirties? "If honestly, this is a dream, I am just done," I whisper under my breath.

"It's not a dream," mom says to me, her eyes never leaving mine. "It's your after-life."

My facial expressions change; eyebrows raised, mouth opened, and my nose scrunched up; dream of the afterlife? No way. I let out a grin, covering my mouth with my hand when mom walks closer to me. We just stand a foot apart.

"Hana, I missed you," she says, her eyes filled with love and tears. My grin disappears and I stare at her while her eyes keep on switching to every feature of my face. And as if my body was compelled to it, my hand raises to find a place on her shoulder. My shaking hand touches her shoulder, and for the first time in a while, I feel it. I feel the skin, the blood gushing under it, and the warmth it was producing. My hand moves down to her hand, and she holds it almost immediately. I look at her face, her eyes watery and her hair flying everywhere. It's weird to find her shorter than me, and it's weird to find her standing here.

"Mom?" I say and she nods. My tongue remains in the air and I can't find words to speak to her. She does the same, touching me everywhere, and finally cupping my face.

"You grew up so beautifully," her voice is breaking down.

"Mom?" I repeat, and she nods once again. My eyes become teary and I start to sob. I touch the side of her face and feel her skin against my fingers. It's the same. And within a blink, I hugged her. She embraces me, her hand stroking my back.

"Where were you? Why did you leave me like that?" I say, crying so hard. It has never been like this. A dream where I could talk to her, hug her, and feel her as if she is real and not just a part of my illusion. I pull myself and kiss her everywhere on her face. I can't get enough of her. This is unbelievable.

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