Chapter 20 | Wrong Question

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Never have I seen a man looking this handsome while driving in their PJs and a long coat. Jungkook is driving a Mercedes, with one of his hands on the steering wheel and the other rubbing his lips casually. I sat down instantly, so he doesn't change his mind anytime soon.

As soon as I sit, he waits for me to wear the seatbelt and then he starts driving. The silence is killing me. He doesn't say a word, nor even play a song. I can feel like my breathing sound is echoing in the car. It's getting too awkward.

"Namjoon could have driven me home, why did you bother?" I asked out of curiosity, and also to kill the silence.

He laughed slightly.

"Yoongi says Namjoon shouldn't drive for the peace of this world," he is giggling now.

Ah, my poor Namjoonie.

While I genuinely felt bad for him, my phone buzzed inside my bag. Who would call me at this hour?


I picked up the phone instantly, thinking why would he call me at 8:00 am from the US?

"Hello, Dad? Is everything okay?"

"Oh yes, Hana. Your car insurance company just called. They wanted another copy of your documents."

My heart relaxed.

"Dad, look in the front drawer in my room. It's in the envelope," I instructed him.

"Yes, I am already standing there. Here are two envelopes. One is brown and the other has this..what is his name?"

I knew. Jungkook was on the envelope.

"Yes dad, that one," I said before dad remembered his name. The silence already existed; I feared Jungkook would hear his name from dad's mouth.

"Which one?" he asked.

"Dad, the one that is not brown," I replied, my eyes fixed on Jungkook.

"Oh you mean," he stops. "OH JUNGKOOK! His name is Jungkook, right?" my dad literally screamed his lungs out. I covered my phone's speaker with one hand.

Dad, please don't do this to me.

"Yes yes! That one, dad."

"Oh, you should have just spoken Jungkook-"

"Dad, I'll call you once I reach home, I am on my way."

Without even hearing him again, I hung up. I peeked at Jungkook; he is as calm as before.

"Is your dad still in the States?" asked Jungkook, while I am breathing out the stress my dad gave me.

How does he know about him?

"Umm, yes he is. How did you know?" I asked.

He remained silent for a minute.

"Miss Ombre told me," he exclaimed.

What else has she told him?

I nod slightly, acting normal, that I am not at all.

"What about your mother?" he asks again. "Is she in the USA or here with you?"

Miss Ombre didn't tell him about her?

I gathered words to spit out, but I couldn't speak. I can feel Jungkook looking at me, but my lips don't move. He looks back at the windscreen.

"It's okay if you don't want to-"

"She is with neither of us," I say, cutting him off.

He stares at me now, and I look back at him. There is a fear in his eyes, a shock. But still unknown, his question still remains.

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