Chapter 33 | Family

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"What makes you like him so much?" asked dad, while he rolls up his sleeves all ready to cook.

"I don't know dad! I just feel a connection with him." Dad's eyes open in surprise.

"Connection? Are you guys in a relationship?" I let out a laugh.

"Dad, I wish."

He lets out a giggle, turning to the refrigerator.

"But, Hana, don't make it difficult for me, okay?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, jerking my eyebrows.

"I cannot bring you Jungkook to marry. He is just too far out of my reach. So, before you order me to marry someone, think about your poor dad!"

"Daaaaaddddd!" I scream, laughing at the same time. He laughs too.

"But dad, you know what?" I asked in a slow, muffled voice.

He suddenly comes near the counter where I sit, leaning in. "What?"

"I am already married to him.." His expressions change to a wonder-face. "In here," I said, pointing at my forehead.

"My bad! My daughter has married already!" he says, very seriously. "I will kill you Jungkook!" he says pointing the knife at his poster lying on the counter that I was decorating.

"NO, DAD!" I yell back, hugging his poster.

The little memory made me laugh; old, good times when Jungkook was only to be seen through screens, and not like every day. I felt much better, lying on my bed, absorbing the warmth of my blanket. Jungkook's lips were still fresh on my lips, his soft touch and a salty taste. It made me blush, undoubtedly.

How far have I come? Just looking back a few months, my life has taken a 180-degree turn. I haven't ever been this hard in my life and resisted this much. The regret hit me. I wish I could have told Jungkook that I loved him even more. He doesn't even know, but I love him more than myself. But, at the same time, I want Jungkook to prove it. Not by caring, but genuinely showing how I affect him and his life; how my absence makes him sad? Because this is what love is, right? How can he fall in love with me within like a few months or so? I just cannot fall for him this easily; I could be a threat to his career, as well. I can risk my life, but not that. His poster shines in the moonlight, while I slowly doze off to end the hectic day. No more thoughts, just sleep.

But my phone! It started buzzing like crazy.

Who is texting at this moment?

I pick up my phone, seeing it after a long time- 100+ messages on my Instagram? As I open the app, every second kills my curiosity.

In the picture I see, I am stuck.

Jungkook was carrying me in his arms when I fainted.

My eyes would come out anytime. I sat up, opening the explore section.

It's me and Jungkook, everywhere- edits, collages, videos.

He really didn't think about his impression or public appearance. He was genuinely worried. My hands are colder than ice, with my whole body shivering.

What would everyone think? Let's think and not sleep tonight.


I don't know how I will face Jungkook today. I don't know how I will react to the changes he has made, and how will I ignore his concern for me?

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