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The two were finally in Ryujin's mansion and Ryujin asked the maids to fix Chaeryeong's things in her room so that the two would always sleep together.

"So I'm staying in your room?" Chaeryeong asked, she was seated at the couch in the living room.

"Mhm, with me" Ryujin said and took the seat beside her. She puts her arm around Chaeryeong's shoulder and brought her closer.

Chaeryeong then leaned closer to Ryujin, her head resting on the older's shoulder and she traced some circles around Ryujin's chest.

"Are you tired my jagi?" Ryujin asked softly

"Aniyo, just bored" Chaeryeong said and then snuggled against Ryujin's neck. Ryujin chuckled since her girlfriend was being so clingy again.

Just a while ago they did the papers to seel Chaeryeong's apartment space so that she could at least get some money from that but Ryujin would just spoil her either way.

Ryujin then turned on the tv so that Chaeryeong could watch and not be bored but it didn't worked. Chaeryeong just continued to trace circles on Ryujin's chest and then kept kissing her jaw.

"Is there something wrong jagi?" Ryujin asked, she wanted to know why Chaeryeong was acting too clingy

"Nothing, I just like being with you" Chaeryeong said and it made Ryujin chuckle once again.

"You have me all the time anyways" Ryujin said and planted a kiss on her forehead

After a while, Ryujin then thought of something. Maybe she and Chaeryeong could go out for a trip for a week just to cool off from work and everything.

"Hmm, should we go somewhere jag-" Ryujin was cut off when she noticed that Chaeryeong already had falled asleep beside her.

"It's just 9 in the morning and she's sleeping" Ryujin chuckled.

She grabbed her phone first to book a flight to somewhere.

"Good day, it's Shin Ryujin, yes, I want to book a flight to LA. A week perhaps, yes, mhm..... mhm.... yes that would be all, thank you so much" Ryujin ended the call and put her phone back in her pocket.

She then carried Chaeryeong carefully in bridal style and made her way up to her room. Since the maids were done with cleaning and arranging the things, Ryujin placed Chaeryeong down on the bed gently. She laid beside the younger to let her feel that she's safe.

Chaeryeong's POV

I suddenly woke up when I felt no one beside me. I quickly rubbed my eyes and opened them to check where I was. Gladly, I was still in Ryujin's room but where was she?

"Ryujin?" I called out for her but there was no response. I started to feel worried and scared. Did she left me?

"Ryujin?" I called out once again and I felt relived when someone went in the room but it wasn't Ryujin.

"Yes Ms. Chaeryeong, do you need any help?" it was a maid

"A-ah.... nae. Where's Ryujin?" I asked

"She's fixing some things miss, do you want me to call her?" she asked me

"Yes please, thank you" I said and then she nodded and left to call for Ryujin.

A few minutes later Ryujin went inside the room, all worried. Maybe she thought there was something wrong.

"What's the matter jagi? hmm? they said you were finding for me" she said and went to the bed

"Where were you? when I woke up you weren't beside me anymore" I said and pouted

"I'm so sorry my jagi, I was just fixing some of the things that we'll need" she said and it made me confused

"We need?" I asked and she nodded

"I booked a flight to LA, we could at least have a little vacation during our one week off from work" she said and it made me smile. I've never been to LA before...

"That sounds nice Ryujin" I said to her and chuckled

"I knew you would love it anyways" she said and hugged me. She also planted a kiss on my forehead.

"Come on, maybe you want to pick out some clothes you want to wear there" she said and I smiled. She held my hand as I went down from the bed and then we went to another room. It was a walk in closet so I looked around and saw some suits, probably Ryujin's.

"You want that?" she asked me from behind

"Can I?" I asked her and she nodded with a smile

"You can get anything you want from my closet jagi, but well not all of them" she said and both of us chuckled.

Time Skip>>>

We were already at the airport and we were just waiting to be called. Can't even believe that Ryujin got a private plane.

"Are you hungry jagi?" she asked me as I was scrilling through my phone.

"Nope, I'm fine" I said to her and smiled

"You sure?" she asked and I nodded

A little later we were called and we went in the private plane. Some flight attendants put our bags in and then were preparing.

"Good day Ms. Shin" one of the flight attendants greeted

"Yes good day" Ryujin said back to her

"There's a room at the back if you want to rest, as well as for you Ms. Lee" the flight attendant said

"Thank you for telling us" Ryujin told her and the attendant nodded.

Me and Ryujin were left alone and I badly want to lay down because I was still a little bit sleepy afterall.

"Ryujin" I called

"Yes jagi?" she asked as she faced me

"Can I check out the room they said about?" I asked her

"Sure jagi, do you want me to go with you?" she asked and I nodded. I wanted to be with her always, it makes me feel safe.

"Okay, let's go" she said and stood up from her seat. We went to the back and saw the private room. It looks so nice and comfortable.

"Want to sleep jagi?" she asked and I nodded. The room wasn't big but it was enough to fit a nice comfortable bed. I got on the bed and laid down, Ryujin then laid down beside me. My back was facing her but she still wrapped her arms around my waist.

I felt a lot better now that I was with Ryujin all the time, being with her was probably the best decision I've ever made. She always makes sure 'm comfotable and fine, she also has a lot of respect towards me and before she does anything with me she asks permission first.

I must say I'm madly in love with this girl, I'm madly in love with my boss.

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