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Chaeryeong's POV

It was already 5:30 pm in the afternoon, I don't know until what time I need to work but I was still doing something at least. Not like one person here, she's been painting her nails since lunch time and it was making me wonder why was she even employed to be here.

I shrugged it off after a while, she's still older than me but I do have a higher rank than her.

Anyways, I don't want to act all bossy here since I'm just new. I also don't know if there are lessons already sent to my email and things I need to do for my classes.

"Miss Chaeryeong" I heard and looked up, it was Jiwon unnie

"Just call me by my name unnie, I'm no used to be called like that" I said and chuckled

"Ah really? okay then well Chaeryeong, can you check if these are fine?" She told me and I nodded. I followed her to her desk and then check what it was. She was doing a design for another product.

"What's this for?" I asked

"Oh yun know like a shelf but for the restrooms. You know where you put some just designs." she said and I nodded

Yep, I work for a furniture company and I just got told a while ago than almost all of the furniture here in the company was made by the company itself.

"This looks beautiful already unnie, just perfect for that vintage vibe" I told her

"Great, I'll just complete the others and then we can probably give these to our boss next week so she can check it" Jiwon unnie said and I nodded

I went back to my own desk and continued my work. I guess we should be starting the next marketing plan, Chaeyoung unnie already started it and I told her I wanted to help. I also got the names of the others in the marketing team. There was Soyeon unnie, also Saerom unnie.

"Okay girls, time to leave, its 6 pm" we heard, it was Ms. Minnie.

"Nae~" we replied and started packing up some of our stuffs. I then grab my bag and went out of the office with Jiwon unnie and Chaeyoung unnie.

"Why isn't Ms. Yiren leaving yet?" I asked them

"Oh gosh, that girl. She's waiting for our boss. Flirting with her probably" Chaeyoung unnie said and I just nodded

"She's been trying for months now and still the boss won't even talk to her informally. She's cold but she talks to us out of the office sometimes, have some drink or dinner out if she's bored" Jiwon unnie told me and nodded

"Does Ms. Yiren always do that?" I asked again

"Yeah, she's head over heels our boss. I won't deny that our boss does have some looks, some girls would fall for her especially that she has a d-" Chaeyoung unnie got cut off when Jiwon unnie nudged her

"Why? what's wrong?" I asked

"Its nothing, we're not allowed to talk about out boss's personal things" Jiwon unnie said and I figured what she meant

"I get it, I know some people who have that. Even my friend's sister does" I said and they nodded

"So you're cool with it?" Jiwon unnie asked me

"Well, its normal around me already since my friend's girlfriends have a man's genital so yeah I'm cool with it" I told them and they nodded

"At least your open about those things" Chaeyoung unnie said

"Of course I am, just need to normalize it I guess. Some people are just so close minded" I said and they agreed

"So, do you have a ride home? its pretty late" Jiwon unnie asked me

"Well, my friend was supposed to pick me up but she said she has dinner with her sister outside" I said

"Then we'll drive you to your place" Chaeyoung unnie said

"You don't have to" I told them, I was really shy about things like this. I just met them today and I don't want them to be driving me home on the first day of work, it would seem like I can't take care of myself.

"Chaeryeong, you're completely a minor and anything can happen at this hour. Come on, Chaeyoung can drive us home" Jiwon unnie said

"Yeah, come on" Chaeyoung unnie said and we all went towards Chaeyoung unnie's car and then I got at the back seat.

"Where do you stay?" Chaeyoung unnie asked and then stared the car

"At *******" I said and she nodded. She started to drive off to my place.

Ryujin's POV

"Unnie, I was suppose to pick up my friend" Yuna saud and pouted at me

"I'm sorry but I just wanted to go out for dinner with you, I don't want dad to be bugging me" I said and went towards the car

"Now who will pick her up? what if she gets kidnapped? what if its worse?!" Yuna started panicking

"Yuna, calm down, I'm sure she's old enough to be taking care of herself" I told her

"Old enough? well if you say something like that I'm considering old enough to be around 22 years old like you" Yuna said and I glared at her

(I had to make Ryujin more older in this story so yeah)

"So how old is she?" I asked Yuna

"19" she told me

"She's a year older than you? why the hell is she working?" I asked her

"She wants to, I asked her a couple of times and she said she wanted to help her parents so yeah" Yuna told me and I just nodded

"Oh by the way unnie, I know you have employees around your company and I becane friends with them. One of them is to be Park Jiwon unnie. She told me the newbie was so pretty, I'm going to visit to check who it was" Yuna told me and I raise a brow at her

"Don't tell me you're hooking up girls Yuna" I told her

"I'm not, I promise" Yuna told me

"You better" I told her and I drove us off to a restaurant

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