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Chaeryeong's POV

It was finally Monday and I was getting ready to go to school. Ryujin left last night since she told me she needed to do something the next day. Of course I let her and she even left me a message this morning


Jagiya 💕

goodluck on your report
my jagi

i know you'll do great!

i love you so much

i love you too baby,
stay safe at work


I already ate my breakfast and then went to grab my things. I wanted to make sure I don't forget anything. I wore my heels and then went out of my apartment. I hopped on the bus and waited until I reached the school.

I got down after paying and then went towards the campus. I showed them my ID and the guard let me in. It's my first time to go to school other than enrolling so I wasn't familiar around the place.

I was getting lost when suddenly I saw a sign that shows the direction for the business plan reporting. I made my way upstairs and then went to find the room.

"You must be Lee Chaeryeong" a lady said with a smile

"Ah nae" I said and bowed

"You can now enter and prepare your report" she said and I nodded. She led me inside the room where there was a tv and a connector already prepared on the side. I got my laptop and opened the file of my report.

"You're doing this alone?" the lady asked me

"Nae, I'm actually home schooled so they told me I'll be doing this alone" I said and she nodded.

I was just waiting as I think about what I would answer if they have questions. I should probably just be spontaneous.

Suddenly, people went inside the room, It was just my teacher and....

"R-ryujin" I muttered under my breath as I saw her. Why was she here? Not only that, even Miss Minnie, Miss Isa and Miss Winter are here.

"Good day Ms. Lee"

"G-good day Miss" I said nervously

"We should start the reporting. Oh and also, I requested Shin Ryujin, a famous CEO. Don't worry, I also requested another CEO for your classmates so it would be fair" she said and I nodded

I looked at Ryujin and she was smirking at me. Did she knew about this? Fuck, I should've done better because I know she would expect a lot from me.

As they settled down, I then showed up my powerpoint to them.

(Bear with me, aunthornim had a hard time to think of what business proposal Chaeryeong should do. Oh and also I study Accountancy and Business Management)

"I'd like to thank everyone for coming today for my proposal. 'Interia Solgye'... Interia Solgye derives from two languages. Japanese and Korean. Interia which is Japanese means interior and then Solgye which is Korean means design. The meaning is quite simple but the name itself makes it unique..."

I went on and on explaining the business proposal I made and Ryujin kept glancing at me. I was nervous of course but I had to do my best. I was finally done with my report in less than an hour.

"That was a very good report Ms. Lee. I see that you have great communication skills and eye contact with others" My teacher said and I thanked her

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