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Ryujin's POV

Yuna, Lia unnie and Yeji unnie already left after giving me some clothes from my house. Of course I changed into something more comfortable. As soon as I got changed, I went towards Chaeryeong on her bed. I wasn't sure if she would be okay with me touching her after what happened.

"Jagi" I called out but she kept quiet

"Jagi, do you need anything hmm?" I asked softly

"No thank you" she muttered and I sighed. Maybe she just really needs space right now

"I'll just be in the living room if you need me okay? I'll be here to take care of you" I reassured her but I didn't get any response. I quietly left her room and then went to cook some food in case she gets hungry later.

It took me a few minutes to get it done and when I was, I set it aside for later.

I then went to the living room and turned on the tv to watch something to keep me occupied. I was about to change the channel when I heard Chaeryeong nearby.

Third Person's POV

When Ryujin left Chaeryeong's room, the younger sat up and got off the bed. After for almost two hours of crying she wanted to take a shower and change. The reason that she wasn't speaking to Ryujin a while ago was because she wanted to be alone and she also felt disgusted. She felt disgusted of herself, a man touched her in a way she didn't want to and it made her want to vomit.

She went to the bathroom and then quickly took a shower. Scrubbing the parts where she was touched. After taking a shower, she changed into sweatpants and a hoodie, not wanting to feel so exposed anymore.

After minutes of calming herself down, she wanted Ryujin. She knew that the older was the only one who could make her feel safe at this time.

She walked out of her bedroom and then saw Ryujin watching tv.

"Ryujin" she muttered and the older instantly turned her attention to her.

"Yes jagi?? do you need anything? are you hungry? want me to sleep with you?" Ryujin asked, concern un her voice.

Tears started to fall to Chaeryeong's cheeks once again but she immediately went towards the older, straddled her lap and hugged her tightly as if her life depended on it.

"Oh jagi" Ryujin sighed out as she caressed the younger's back.

Chaeryeong cried in the crook of Ryujin's neck, letting out her fear onto the older. She just wanted to be held securely until she felt that everything was finally okay. Until she feels she'll be safe all of the time.

"I'm so sorry jagi, I should've went to your place as soon as you were gone" Ryujin said, of course her voice trembled. She was also afraid of losing her precious girl.

"I.... I'm sorry" Chaeryeong sobbed

"Shh, it's not your fault my jagi okay? You don't have to be sorry for something that wasn't your fault" Ryujin reassured and kept kissing the younger's forehead.

"He touched me Ryujin.... h-he almost r-raped me" Chaeryeong's voice was shaking

"I'm really sorry, but he won't come to you ever again okay? I'll be with you always now" Ryujin said as a tear fell to her cheek. She knew she wouldn't be able to forgive herself if her own father would hurt her girlfriend.

"D-don't leave me" Chaeryeong sobbed

"I won't ever leave you" Ryujin whispered. She comforted the younger all through the night, telling her compliments and saying that she's safe.

"Ryujin" Chaeryeong called as she broke the hug from Ryujin just to see her face

"Yes?" Ryujin asked and caressed her cheek

"Uh... what about work?" Chaeryeong asked

"What do you mean?" Ryujin asked

"I heard Lia unnie said that we should take a break from work and I'm worried that-"

"Chaery, I'm sure Winter can handle it without me. Minnie and Isa is also there and I trust them in doing there job while I'm away. I can't just leave and go to work knowing that you're not still okay. I want to make sure you're all better and you feel comfortable to work again" Ryujin said

"But you told me you'll be with me always. What will happen if we get back to work, will you go here every night at my place?" Chaeryeong asked

"Well, I was already thinking if you want to live with me. Less expenses for you and I'll be assured that you're safe. I have maids and butlers around my house and that would make me feel that you're in good hands while I'm not around" Ryujin said

"Live with you?" Chaeryeong asked

"Yes jagi, it's for the better and you'll be safer with me. No on will ever have to bother you again, well unless it's Yuna who wants to hang out with you" Ryujin said and it made Chaeryeong chuckle

"There's my sweet girl" Ryujin said and chuckled as she squeezed the younger's cheek.

"Want to eat? I already cooked dinner" Ryujin said but Chaeryeong shook her head.

"Then what does my precious girl want?" Ryujin asked her sweetly

"Cuddles, I want you and your cuddles" Chaeryeong said and it made Ryujin chuckle

"Of course, you'll get all the cuddles you want right away" Ryujin said and Chaeryeong smiled as she hid her face in the crook of Ryujin's neck once again.

Minutes later, Chaeryeong was already getting sleepy in Ryujin's embrace.

"Jagiya" Ryujin whispered softly

"Hmm?" Chaeryeong hummed softly

"You're sleepy now? hmm?" Ryujin asked and Chaeryeong nodded

"You don't want to eat anymore? it's past 11 already" Ryujin asked and Chaeryeong shook her head, not waning to have dinner

"Okay, I'll just go fix up the food I cooked and put it in the fridge first" Ryujin said as she was about to let Chaeryeong off of her but the younger just whined.

"But Chaery I need to fix the table and you need to get off" Ryujin said

"No~" Chaeryeong whined once again and Ryujin sighed. Good thing she loves the younger so much so she just decided to carry her.

"Okay, just hold onto me tightly" Ryujin said and with that, Chaeryeong wrapped her arms around Ryujin's neck tightly and wrapped her legs around Ryujin's waist as well.

Ryujin then stood up carefully with Chaeryeong in her arms and went to the kitchen. She was thankful that she even work out before because it was worth it at the moment.

Ryujin didn't struggled that much to put the food in the fridge since Chaeryeong wasn't that heavy. Once she was done she made her way to the bedroom. She was about to place Chaeryeong down but the younger whined again.

"You want to sleep on top of me?" Ryujin asked  softly

"Please?" Chaeryeong asked, her voice fading because of sleepiness

"Okay jagi" Ryujin said and then sat down on the bed and leaned her back against the headboard.

Chaeryeong relaxed on top of Ryujin and went to hide her face on the crook of the older's neck once again.

"Goodnight my jagi, I love you..... so much" Ryujin whispered and kissed the younger's forehead. She chuckled when she noticed a small smile forming on the younger's lips as she slept.

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