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(This story contains mature chapters such as sexual scenes so if you're a minor or if you're uncomfortable about those kinds of content please leave this book....

Oh also.... Ryujin g!p)

"Now... where will you work now?" Natty asked

"I'm not sure, I'm still finding for one, its hard" Chaeryeong said and sighed

"Do you really have to work? leave school behind?" Natty asked

"I won't leave school behind of course, I'll be studying still. I just need to earn extra money for myself, along with that I need to help for the expenses at the house" Chaeryeong added

"You don't have school everyday anyways right? How about just do online school? that would be better if you're gonna work" Natty suggested

"I guess, I'll try to look up on the school's other offers" Chaeryeong said and Natty nodded

"Well, I'll go first now, see you next time Chaer" Natty said and left to take the bus. Chaeryeong just smiled and waved goodbye to her friend.

Chaeryeong isn't that rich since she needed to work for her school's expenses and of course her expenses in her condo. Her parents work but they were not given that much salary and it was hard to get enough to help the three sisters with their expenses. Chaeyeon was working alread and was giving money to her parents, Chaeryeong, she's balancing school and work since she's in college already and Chaemin, she's still in highschool that meant all of them were busy.

Chaeryeong then waited for the bus going to her condo to come up but she noticed it was pretty late for its scheduled time. Chaeryeong decided that she could just walk back to her place, not really dangerous anyways since the place she was in was secured and a lot of guards were around.

As she was making her way to her place, she bumped into someone

"I'm so sorry" Chaeryeong said apologetically and she bowed

"Unnie?" she heard, she looked up and it was one of her old friends


"Oh my gosh, its really you unnie!" Yuna said in excitement and hugged the older

"Its been so long...." Chaeryeong said and chuckled

"I know... its kind of hard but, I see you're still studying" Yuna said

"For college, I need to finish tho, for my parents" Chaeryeong said

"Its actually nicer that way, instead of being forced to work as soon as possible" Yuna said and sighed

"Anyways unnie, where are you off to?" Yuna asked

"My place, I'm walking there" Chaeryeong said

"Well, Can I join you for today? Like a visit? Its been a long time since we last hanged out" Yuna said

"Well sure Yuna, let's go" Chaeryeong said and giggled

The two then went off to Chaeryeong's condo. It wasn't that awkward since the two were talking about those days they would sneak out of class just to get some food and listen to some music at the rooftop.

"Your place is nice unnie" Yuna said and chuckled, she roamed around Chaeryeong's condominium

"Its not that much but I think its fine as well" Chaeryeong said and Yuna nodded

"Would you want to stay over for dinner? I'm going to cook now" Chaeryeong said and Yuna nodded with a smile

"So unnie, are you working?" Yuna suddenly asked as Chaeryeong started cooking

"Well, I'm finding for a new job, I got fired by my recent one actually" Chaeryeong said and sighed

"Why?" Yuna asked worriedly

"I was going to school and back at work so I go back and forth from it and they said I should be working everyday if I wanted to get the money I need" Chaeryeong said

"Hmm.... I'll try to find one for you, will that be fine?" Yuna asked

"Wait, really?! Thank you so much Yuna, it would definitely help" Chaeryeong said as she was almost crying

"Aish unnie, its no biggy" Yuna said and chuckled

"Actually, the job I'm finding for is something that doesn't require me to move a lot, I'll be trying online studying instead so I would have more time for work if ever" Chaeryeong said and Yuna nodded

"I'll find one that suits your liking unnie, don't worry" Yuna said to reassure the older

Later on, Chaeryeong got finished with cooking and placed the food on plates so she and Yuna could eat dinner.

"Water or juice?" Chaeryeong asked

"Water will be fine unnie" Yuna said and Chaeryeong nodded

After getting the water, Chaeryeong sat across Yuna and both of them started to eat.

"So Yuna, where do you work?" Chaeryeong asked

"I work as a model, that's all I guess" Yuna said and Chaeryeong nodded

"You have a sister right?" Chaeryeong asked and Yuna nodded

"She's the same age as you, but she started working very young which made her not go to college and some stuff. She's not like us though" Yuna said which made Chaeryeong confused

"Not like us?" Chaeryeong asked

"Mhm, remember Yeji unnie?" Yuna asked and Chaeryeong slowly nodded

"My sister is just like her, well you already know what I mean... hopefully" Yuna said

"Oh, okay I get it. What's the harm between that anyways?" Chaeryeong asked

"Girls want to hook up with her and unnie gets really mad about it, all those girls wanted was her money and well.... her dick so...." Yuna trailed off

"Well some girls will be girls" Chaeryeong said and chuckled

After having dinner, Yuna had to leave already since her sister was already finding for her.

"Bye unnie, see you next time, love you" Yuna said and hugged the older

"See you next time too, love you and stay safe going back home" Chaeryeong said

"I will" Yuna said and chuckled and left the condo

"Now I can rest first, I can go to school first thing in the morning and then find for a job" Chaeryeong said to herself as she goes to her room.


As promised, a Christmas gift for my ryuryeong readers heheh merry christmas 🎄💕

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