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Chaeryeong's POV

The dinner with Ms. Shin and the Sons was quite nice. I didn't know that Ms. Shin would be so kind. She even dropped me off at my place.

Although it was nice and all, my feet were hurting and good thing Ms. Shin didn't noticed it much. I was trying my best not to show that I was limping.

I swear, Yuna's heels were not for me, she's a model after all and along with that it was too high for me. Good thing I didn't fell or anything. I removed the heels and saw that the back of my feet were already red and it was stingy.

I guess I'll be wearing flats tomorrow for work. I went to get ready for bed and of course I have to treat the reddening of the back of my feet.


I woke up early because I almost completely forgot that I'm already Ms. Shin's secretary, or maybe not, I wasn't sure when she said that I'm her secretary already while we were having dinner with the Sons.

Since I don't know yet, I messaged Ms. Minnie just in case I needed to do something like going tp Ms. Shin's place or like waiting for her in the office.


Ms. Minnie
(Nicha Yontararak)

Good day Ms. Minnie,
I just wanted to ask
something regarding on being
Ms. Shin's secretary.

Do I need to go to her place
and got to check if she has
her things ready?

Good day as well Chaeryeong,
regarding to your question, I
still don't know since Ms. Shin
didn't gave you the papers yet
but for today you can just go to
the company and Ms. Shin and
Ms. Winter can tell you what you
need to know

Thank you Ms. Minnie, good day
once again

No problem, see you at work


I turned of of my phone and went off to get ready for work as usual. I chose some more proper clothes than yesterday and then went to take a bath. After taking a bath and changing, I went down to have a quick breakfast then when it was all done, I brushed my teeth and fixed my hair.

I've thought of getting a car already, its quite a hassle to be riding a bus to work every now and then.

I took my five minutes to wait for the bus and ten minutes to get to work, good thing I left very early, because if not, I would've been late by now.

I entered the building and greeted some of the employees, a lot were giving me glances which made me a little bit uncomfortable. I finally saw Xiaoting unnie so I went to talk with her

"Ms. Xiaoting" I called for her

"Oh, Chaeryeong-ssi, good morning, may I help you?" she asked me

"Um, why is everyone looking at me?" I asked and she smiled

"Oh, a lot of them know that you and Ms. Shin went to attend the dinner with the Sons. Also mentioning that you're now her secretary" she said to me and I widened my eyes in shock

"But I haven't signed any papers yet" I told her as we went to the elevator

"That thing doesn't really matter here that much. When Ms. Shin says you're her secretary, automatically you're already her secretary even without signing any papers" she told me and I nodded

"Congratulations on the promotion by the way, join us for lunch sometimes" she said

"Thank you unnie, I will try to join you unnies next time" I said and smiled, she smiled back and we went out of the elevator and went to our own office departments.

As soon as I got inside, they were all looking at me, well, Ms. Wang wasn't around which was kind of unusual.

"Umm, good morning" I greeted

"G-good morning Ms. Lee" they greeted me nervously which was strange. I went over to my desk and saw a pretty big bag on my table.

"Who's this from?" I asked Jiwpn unnie and Chaeyoung unnie since their tables were near mine.

"We don't know but why the flats tho?" Jiwon unnie asked me

"Oh, I had to wear flats since I hurt my feet last night" I said to them

"During the dinner?" Chaeyoung asked me and I nodded slowly. How come they know about the dinner?

"Umm, how did you know about the dinner?" I asked them

"Someone threw a tantrum before leaving yesterday" Jiwon unnie said. I know it was Ms. Wang.

"Do you have a girlfriend or something?" Chaeyoung unnie asked me and I shook my head. Maybe because of this bag on my desk.

I put out the box that was inside and then opened it. I was shocked to see a pair of heels, not too high and it was just right for me. It doesn't have that hard thing on the edge.

"Ohh la la, Ms. Lee got some heels~" Chaeyoung unnie teased and I just chuckled

There was a note inside so I opened it and read it.

To: Ms. Lee

I've decided to buy you some heels since you look a little but uncomfortable last night with the ones you were wearing. I knew it was from my sister but don't worry. I hope you like these new heels that I chose for you. Do wear them if you're comfortable with it already

From: Ms. Shin Ryujin 😊

I blushed from the letter, it was so kind of
Ms. Shin to give me something like this. I was just new on the job and I get this already.

"Yiee~ Ms. Shin gave Chaeryeong-ssi a gift" Chaeyoung unnie teased me and I started to blush more

"Ah unnie~!" I whined and playfully slapped her shoulder

"What's with the noise?" we heard someone ask, it was Seoyeon unnie.

"Oh, Ms. Shin gave Chaeryeong heels, look" Jiwon unnie said and showed it to Seoeyeon unnie

"Nice heels, it suits you. I guess Ms. Shin has a good eye on what suits people" Seoyeon unnie said

"Correction, what suits Chaeryeong. I'm starting to guess that Ms. Shin has a crush on Chaeryeong" Chaeyoung unnie said

"Unnie, that's impossible" I said to them

"Impossible? do you even know that Ms. Shin has this one close friend but unfortunately she's in Japan now and she's married to a very rich CEO who owns an airline?" Jiwon unnie told me

"Adding to that, her close friend wasn't that rich before and she was just a dance teacher in a studio before. The CEO's parents expected more from her but when they met Ms. Shin's close friend, they adored her so much because of her personality" Chaeyoung unnie added

I just nodded from what they said, the story is quite similar but I shrugged it off.

"Anyways, let's go get some coffee" Seoyeon unnie said

"Sure but... Chaeryeong, how about you try the heels? the back of it looks soft" Chaeyoung unnie said

Well, I can try the heels on I guess, it does look nice and it matches with what I'm wearing today.

I wore the heels and it fits me perfectly, it also feels so comfortable.

"See, it looks nice!" Jiwon unnie exclaimed and we all chuckled

"I think we can go for coffee now" I said and they nodded. We went out of the office and went down to the café.

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