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Chaeryeong woke up early so that she could go to her school and ask some information on having online classes instead which will help her.

She got her things, wore her shoes and went off to their school. She owns a car but she doesn't want to waste some gas just for going to school so she decided to ride a bus.

She went out to the bus stop and waited, after a few minutes the bus arrived and she got in. It was only five minutes away so she didn't have to worry much, well except for the fact that some guys kept staring at her which pissed her off.

Good thing she got down before one of the guys went towards her. She got inside the campus and went to the register area.

"Good day miss"

"Well good day as well dear, how can I help you?" the lady asked

"Well, I wanted to have the online classes for this semester, if it is fine" Chaeryeong said

"Oh sure dear, may I know your name first and the major you're in?" the lady asked and typed something on her desktop

"Lee Chaeryeong, Major in Business Management" Chaeryeong said and the lady nodded

"There will be a few changes in the payment for your tuition but other than that, you'll be having online tests, online projects and more. Will that be fine with you dear?" the lady asked

"its fine Miss" Chaeryeong said and the lady nodded.

Chaeryeong handed her ID and some of the papers that were needed. After having a long talk about the online schedule thing, Chaeryeonh was finally able to enroll with just having online classes. She then went off to eat somewhere quickly before going back home to her place to rest for a bit and plan out for finding a job.

"Good morning Miss, what can I get for you?" the lady asked

"One Iced americano please and a chocolate scone" Chaeryeong said and the lady nodded as she tapped something on the screen

"That would be 34,000 won Miss" the lady said and Chaeryeong handed the money as payment. She then went to find a seat for herself.

Chaeryeong settled down, just watching the people pass by outside, she chuckled when she saw some kids playing around chasing each other. In the middle of her watching, she was interrupted when she heard someone.

"Miss, your order" the waitress said and placed it on the table

"Oh... thank you" Chaeryeong said and smiled at the girl. The girl then left and Chaeryeong started to eat as she scrolled down through her phone, finding for some jobs that she can apply to.


"Unnie~" Yuna called as she was making her way to her sister's office. She was about to go in but then she heard loud noises from inside. She slowly entered the room....

"I told you to fuck off!" Ryujin yelled and pushed the girl away from her

"Come on babe, just a little~" the girl said seductively and it made Ryujin disgusted.

"That's it! You're fired!" Ryujin shouted and the girl was in disbelief. She furrowed her eyebrows and walked out of the office just passing by Yuna.

"Well that was something" Yuna said and then went to her sister

"Fucking sluts, now I don't have a secretary again" Ryujin groaned and then placed her phone on the table

"Another one just wants your dick huh?" Yuna asked and sat across Ryujin

"What do you expect? freaking girls only want my body and my money" Ryujin said and rolled her eyes

"That's the seventh girl this month... where could I even get another secretary who is not acting so slutty" Ryujin said

"Hmm... I can find one for you, I have tons of friends unnie" Yuna said

"Yeah and if they want to just fuck me I'm literally blaming you for it" Ryujin said

"Oh don't worry, I got some good choices" Yuna said and Ryujin just nodded

"Anyways, why are you here?" Ryujin asked

"Oh, Yeji unnie and Lia unnie are downstairs, wanting to hang out with you. Suppose you're free right now right?" Yuna asked

"I guess..." Ryujin said and Yuna nodded

"Then let's go!" Yuna said happily and got up from her seat

"And where are we going?" Ryujin asked

"At a restaurant nearby, that's what the unnies said so I'm not sure if we're going somewhere else after" Yuna said and Ryujin just nodded and got her things.

Both of them left the office and went downstairs to the groundfloor and saw Yeji and Lia by the lobby.

"Well, good day Ms. Shin" Yeji said and chuckled

"Oh please, stop calling me that" Ryujin said and rolled her eyes on the older playfully but then some employees passed by Ryujin.

"Good day Ms. Shin" they said in unison

"Good day Minnie, Isa" Ryujin said

"Where's Winter? I suppose she should be with the two of you?" Ryujin asked

"Oh, Ms. Kim went out with Ms. Yoo. Ms. Yoo said you wouldn't mind if she wants to have Ms. Kim for the day" Isa said

"Oh okay, thank you for informing me" Ryujin said and the two nodded. They went off somewhere else in the company.

"Seems like you fired another secretary of yours" Lia said and chuckled

"Oh, she really did" Yuna said and it made the two older ones chuckle again

"How did you know?" Ryujin asked and Lia just pointed to a girl who was by the lobby counter with a box of her things.

"How do you know she's my secretary then?" Ryujin asked

"Ryujin, you're the only one who fires a lot of people in a month. Also, her face and figure screams I applied to be Shin Ryujin's secretary because I want to suck her dick and I want her to make me cum" Yeji said and she received a slap from her wife.

"That's disgusting Yeji" Lia scolded

"What?! Its true!!" Yeji defended

"Gosh unnies" Yuna said and chuckled as she shook her head

"Well, Yeji unnie does have a point but anyways, let's just go out for food" Ryujin said and all of them nodded and went out of the company

She's My Boss | RyuryeongDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora