35: Runaways

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Recap: too lazy to write a major one but the last chapter's recap is quite lengthy! Check it out if you want to remember what happened in the other chapters. To summarise the last chapter's event, frey and felix cracked the code. The cure is in eppeland and their truce is officially over. Devland and frey had their little moment together at the festival. This chapter begins the next day, happy reading!

"Nothing is as it ever seems, Freyja. You must remember that." Zarra's father's voice echoed in her dreams, leading her through the field of sunflowers.

She saw a flash of brown hair.

"Zarra!" Freyja called out. "Wait!"

Zarra turned around, like no one was there. She continued forward.

Freyja cut down the flowers with her sword, hurrying after her friend. "Wait! Zarra!" She shouted.

Zarra stopped in her tracks, her back to Freyja. The wind picked up.

"Zarra," Freyja whispered. She placed her palm on her shoulder and spun her around.

This wasn't Zarra. Freyja stepped back, wielding her sword."

The wind circled both of them, their hair flying in their faces. The girl's irises glowed purple.

"Who are you?" Freyja asked wearily.

"We will meet again," the girl whispered.

She turned around ready to leave but Freyja grabbed her wrist.

"Don't go!"

"We will meet again." She repeated.


"Soon." With that, she vanished into the wind.

Freyja huffed, kicking the dirt.

"Oh, Ray." A voice taunted behind her.

She spun around to see Fox. Before she could think, he'd pierced his sword through her heart.

"Told you I would kill you."

Blood sputtered from her mouth. He wrapped his hand around her throat.

Freyja gasped awake, coughing and clawing at her throat. She took deep breaths and wiped her tears. Just a dream, she told herself. Just a dream. She exhaled shakily.

After cleaning herself up, she joined the cousins in the kitchen.

"Finally!" Azalea exclaimed. "You wouldn't believe what happened yesterday."

"Not now." Freyja tried saying.

"This boy he tried to buy me a drink and-"

"Azalea, I don't have time for this." She snapped. "Listen, the cure is in Epeland. The ceruleans can cure us."

Heavy silence stretched between them.

"Epeland?" Azalea asked. "We won't make it out alive."

"Have you heard of what happened to Osiah's son?" Devoand asked.

"Yes, I know. He never made it back. He and his troops were eaten alive on the island. The guards that brought their bodies back came back with gauged-out eyes... They all died a few days later. "

Devland and Azalea read through the clues.

«Thou walketh the path of great terror. Tragedy and curse plageth thee. But if thou wisheth to put an end to thy plague, thou must seek healing with the purest of hearts. For if thou art unworthy, the Ceruleans, angels shall turn devil and devour thy soul»

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