24: Clues

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The lady, completely unaware of Freyja's presence, looped her hand through a man's arm and walked away, leaving Freyja bewildered.

It couldn't be. That woman- Skies, it was impossible. No, Freyja refused to believe it.

Her mother was dead. She watched her die. That wasn't her. No, it had to be her lost twin at birth or something.


Freyja brushed her hair back with a scoff. "This place is making me hallucinate."

Though Freyja told herself this, a part of her wondered if she was wrong. Could that have been her mother? Against all logic, all science, she hoped that it was her. She should run after her, call her name, hug her! But she was paralyzed. She couldn't move. She didn't dare to move. How would she even face her mother after what she did?


Freyja fidgeted with her cloak. What if she was alive? What if she didn't need to go through this journey alone? What if her mother was actually alive? Her heart sped up in anticipation. She wouldn't know if she didn't ask. When she raised her head to call out to her, her mother— or whoever she was had disappeared.

Her hope shattered like glass on concrete.

Freyja had no time to find her. She had to get to the forest before dark. With a crease between her eyebrows, and a feeling of disappointment, she threw her hood over her head. She'd come back here once she found the cure. She needed to.

Freyja took a deep breath. It was time to leave this abominable village and decipher the encrypted messages.


Freyja munched on dry meat as she hurried to the forest. Night had nearly fallen. Diggertip was deserted. The villagers had already locked themselves in their homes because of curfew. As she walked through the empty streets, she wondered if fake Lydia was crying for her burnt house.

Freyja heard mothers yelling, children crying, doors slamming shut; all attempts to protect themselves before curfew.

As Freyja left the village and faced the forest, she breathed out a sigh of admiration. The orange-gold of the sun stretched as far as she could see. The sky was blue, decorated with pink clouds. It seemed like something out of a fairytale. She wished she could go down to the beach, sit down on the sand, and admire it, but curfew.

Stupid High Guard and his stupid rules. Oh, she couldn't wait to rip his eyes out the next time they met.

She continued walking till she entered the forest. Just as she did, the village bell rang.

"Right on time," she grumbled. She moved deeper into the forest till she found a tree she liked. She climbed it, settled in, and prepared to sleep.

Freyja heard a howl.

Oh hell no.

She heard it again.

Felix sent his howlers into her forest. That asshole. Of course, he would pull a stunt like this. Not only was he depriving her of sleep, but his howlers were also giving her a headache. At least they couldn't climb trees, she reassured herself.

Freyja heard the footsteps of one howler come closer. A twig snapped. She tensed. The vivid image of a howler pouncing on her flashed in her head. She fought to stay calm, closing her eyes tightly shut.

The footsteps of the howler receded. Her chest deflated. She leaned her head back. This would be the worst night of her life. One wrong move and a howler could eat her, or a guard could discover her, and she might end up in prison. Again.

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