26: Maureen

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Azalea's eyes shone with anger beneath her hood. She'd gotten better. Her eye bags were gone, her cheeks were fuller and rosier, but most importantly, her lips were pink. They'd changed from that horrid purple hue that showed up anytime she got sick.

"You—!" Azalea yelled. She grabbed an apple from her basket and chucked it at Freyja. "You have the audacity to steal from ME after vanishing with no goodbye!"

Freyja crossed her arms. Leaving with no goodbye seemed like the right decision at the time but now...whatever. She wouldn't apologize. Freyja never apologized.

"You were sleeping. I didn't want to—"

"Oh cut the bullshit. You know, I really thought we were friends—"

"But I—"

"—Until you abandoned me!"


"No. I'm not listening to you. Get out of my way." Azalea demanded.

"Fine." Freyja huffed. She spun around, her arms still crossed. But, she couldn't find it in herself to take another step. Skies, she felt like a bitch. She took a peek at Azalea from her shoulder and her eyes nearly fell from her socket. Azalea was crying.

Freyja turned around, guilty. Oh, skies...Hesitantly, she reached for Azalea's shoulder.

Azalea threw herself at Freyja and squeezed her tight, sobbing into her shoulders.

"I thought you died! Freyja I was so worried. You idiot! They were saying that the High Guard caught you after you left the sanctuary." She sniffled. "You are so stupid. How could you just leave without a plan?!" She shoved Freyja. "I was terrified. I was praying night and day not to hear of your death. Skies, I'm so happy you're here. I also didn't mean to snap at you like that I...I'm sorry."

Freyja fidgeted with her bag. "No, you had every right to yell. It wasn't fair to you. Um...I..."

Azalea wiped her tears and shook her head, a smile forming. "You still don't know how to apologize?"

Freyja pursed her lips. Then, she sighed. "Ugh. I didn't mean to...hurt you or make you worried. I promise it was not my intention. But, the good news is I'm alive and thriving!"

"The thriving part is debatable..." Azalea mumbled, eyeing Freyja.

"I've been busy!"

"It's no excuse to look like a disheveled rat."

"Shut up."

"No. Take an apple. I've prepared soup for this afternoon. Come join us."

"It's very nice of you to offer but—"

"No buts. You are coming with me. We need to catch up. Plus, Dev and I could use your help." She looped her hands through Freyja's and began dragging her away from the market square.

"Azalea, no, I have things to do."


"Like selling stolen jewelry," Freyja whispered. And possibly finding the damn cure.

Azalea laughed. "I can help with that! Devland and I sold a ton of stolen jewelry when we were younger. I was probably like nine or ten years old when I sold my first one. Though stealing is more in my domain while selling is more in Devland's domain."

"You steal?" Freyja exclaimed.

"Shh! We're still fugitives, remember? Skies, you can't attract attention like that. And yes, I'm quite proud to say that I'm a decent pickpocket." Azalea winked at Freyja. "From a professional point of view, you are sloppy. I could offer free lessons."

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