2: Letter

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"To lose focus is a death invite."

This is what her mother had always repeated day after day during training.

Freyja hadn't understood what she meant. She always wondered how it could be possible to 'forget' or to zone out during battle. Now, she understood perfectly.

She knelt on the cold wood, cradling her mother's head that rested on her lap. The light bulb flickered in the corner. Life slowly seeped from her skin. The more the seconds passed, the paler she became. The rise of her chest was barely visible.

The guards who wore blood-red uniforms stood with their hands behind their backs. Their head and neck formed a 90 degrees angle. A silver emblem engraved on their uniforms caught her eyes. It was a peacock in a tropical forest.

No one said anything and when it felt like the silence would last forever, Cozbi spoke.

"Freyja," She whispered. "I love you. With all my heart. I can't express how sorry I am. For everything."

A tear fell from Freyja's eyes. "Why did you ask me to do this?"

Cozbi's breaths came out in short gasps. "Don't grieve me until you have completed...Book you...Letter...Promise me?"

She didn't catch what her mother had said but she nodded, sniffing snot. Her body rocked back and forth, still holding a dying Cozbi. The movement of her chest ceased. A smudged golden lip outline slowly formed where Freyja had kissed her. Her eyes welled with tears as she brushed the dark hair out of her mother's face.

"Don't grieve for me until..." The words rang in her ears and that's when reality came down on her with a sledgehammer. She was going to be taken.

She inhaled and exhaled multiple times with a bent head but her eyes roamed beneath her lashes examining her situation. A small number of guards stood in front of her but they obstructed the way out of the front door. There was no one behind her therefore, the back door was free.

Mentally ready, she stood up and wiped her face. None of the guards reacted or looked in her direction so she grabbed the bag and stuffed the book inside. Still no reaction.

What could they be waiting for?

The answer hit her. They must be waiting for orders.

Freyja briskly turned around and began walking to the back door.

"I suggest you don't take a step further."

"Why not?"

"Because I instructed you not to."

Something in the man's voice made her turn around and observe him. Thick coal hair, grey eyes, a defined  face, a sword attached to the left of his belt, and a dagger to his right. His uniform was quite different. Instead of a red uniform, this one wore a white and the peacock emblem was red. His stance held command and authority despite the boyish look on his face.

He took a couple of steps forward. "Frayi, is it?"

She opened her mouth to respond but he cut her off. "I actually don't care." He leaned in. "Now, let's get this over with. You have two options: walk out that door with me like a princess or let the guards drag you out like a peasant. I'm really tired, you understand? Choose quickly." He yawned and brushed his hair out of his eyes.

Her lips curled in disgust. "The guards are the obvious option."

"A first." he laughed at her. "Also, If you don't mind, do you mind pointing to where your toilet is? It took so long to find you and I have a bladder problem. According to my doctor, I need to--"

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