23: Arson

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Super quick Recap of the last chapters.
Freyja has left Devland, Azelea, and the rest.
She had an unpleasant encounter with Felix where she managed to escape him.
Deciding to hurt Lydia for being the cause of her imprisonment, she went to Lydia's house. However, Lydia was away on business. So she decided to sleep in Lydia's house. We also learn about who Fox is and how Freyja killed him.

The first thing on Freyja's mind as she woke up was arson.

Fake Lydia cherished her house and her expensive furniture. So, Freyja decided to take them away from her. She had indirectly killed so many children to have wealth. The cruelest thing to do to someone was to take what they cherished. For Lydia, it was her house.

But before she lit the house up, she needed to find a note. The time Freyja came to her for help, Lydia showed her a note that indicated information on the cure. Though Freyja was unsure that the message was authentic, it was still worth a try.

Freyja stood up from bed with a yawn. If it was up to her, she'd lay down the whole day, but she was in a hurry. You can't set someone's house on fire if people are around to see.

She rushed to the bathroom, freshened up, and drank some tea.

Now, if I was an old back-stabbing hag, where would I hide my money maker?

Lydia had to hide the note somewhere safe. She would need to have it in her sights because it was a tiny piece of paper. But she couldn't leave it in the open because it could fly away. So, it had to be in a box.

Freyja took the last sip of her tea and began her search. The box was easy to find among her gold-lined furniture. It was like a green candy among dark chocolate. She took the old blue box, verified that the note was in it, and kept it in her bag.

Now, to burn a house.

Freyja paced around the living room, thinking. Her eyes roamed over every object, asking herself if they were flammable.

Home fires were extremely rare in Afoya. They only happened when the owners forgot to blow out their candles. The fire usually caught on their curtains and carpets.

Her head practically dinged.

The carpet she was standing on was flammable.

Freya also knew kerosene was flammable. Lydia had to have a gallon of it, somewhere. She and Zarra had lit a bug on fire with kerosene and a candle before. Fun times.

She rushed to Lydia's kitchen, flung open the cabinets, and took the large jerrycan of kerosene. Freyja poured it along the halls, her heart beating in her chest. With every second that passed, she felt someone would catch her.

She splashed some on the walls and sprinkled some in the rooms.

Hurry, her mind screamed.

When she emptied the can, she hurried to get the candles.

Don't do it, her good side warned. Think of the aftermath.

But the hag deserves everything bad. Do it.

Would she be a bad person if she took revenge on someone who hurt her?

Freyja stared at the wick of the candle.

The definition of a "bad person" differed from person to person.  Her first kill was at the age of ten. As a child, she'd taken someone's life. Not long ago, she killed her own mother.

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