12(part 2): Truth serum

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Freyja stood awkwardly in the middle of his bathroom, trying to come up with a response. Her thoughts were jumbled making it difficult to fabricate  a lie. She raised her head and groaned. A white square stood out on the ceiling tile. But, she didn't give it attention. Her tongue burned.

"I... I was looking through your stuff. Please don't kill me."

"Embarrassing for you. Ah, I forgot to add that the antidote might give you symptoms of drunkenness. Now, I'll excuse you just this once but try this again and I will hurt you. Get out. "

She shuffled out of his bathroom.

"Ok!" He rubbed his palms together. "I did hire you to be my therapist, right? So, do your job."

Freyja nodded and sat on the stool. She had no idea what she was doing but she felt confident that she would wing this.

"Mr. High Guaaard...How are you doing?"

"Never call me that again. Ever."

She rolled her eyes. "What should I call you then, sir?"

 He stood in front of his mirror and brushed the rogue strand from his forehead. "Call me Felix." 

“Felix,” She repeated. “How are you, Felix?”

His shoulders sagged as he admired his beautiful face. "Not good."

"Tell me all about it."

15 minutes later.

“Yeah, exactly. So, when I sliced his arms, I felt happy. I think it sounds crazy but I don’t care. He told me that I resembled a mole rat on the battlefield so he deserved it.”

“But he had three children…”

“Next time he won’t insult his superior. Oh wait—there won’t be a next time because he’s dead. Anyway, I swear, these days, the men are wild animals. We were fighting against Caznai, a neighboring kingdom earlier today. We took them by surprise and invaded their palace. Obviously, I should kill their King since King Osiah wants their land. 

But, no, I decided to spare them because I was in a good mood. So, as I was about to leave, this ugly palace guard tried attacking me. Do you know what happened next?”


“Wrong. I slit his throat. Then, I killed every other person who wasn’t in my troop. And now, I feel guilty. King Osiah is thrilled about what I did though. He’s happy that he has another kingdom in his empire. Sometimes, I hate that man but at times, he’s my hero.” He breathed loudly and hugged his white pillow. “Skies, it felt amazing to finally vent. I hope I didn’t scare you.”

“Oh no. You traumatized me but I'll be fine.”

Knock knock knock

Felix ignored the guards knocking and continued staring at nothing. Freyja, on the other hand, was staring at him.

“Why are you looking at me?” He asked with a cocky smile.

“I was…” Her tongue burned. “I don’t know. You should answer the door.”

"You're right, darling. I hate my life but I have responsibilities."

Freyja pursed her lips.

"Right, you should get going...You must have things to do— oh wait, you don't." He laughed. "The effects of the serum and antidote should fade in about thirty minutes or two days. I don't know. You were a test subject so--"

"I think you're handsome," She blurted. 

He idolized himself in the mirror before saying, “Oh, I know.”

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