Chapter 31: Revealing the Truth to the class

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After Kira fainted more black goo seemed to come from the LOV member's mouths in which they got transported to somewhere else and after that paramedic took Kira and Hitoshi to the hospital with Kira's mask staying on at the request of Denki.

(Timeskip to the next day)

Kira: *Wakes up and notices the medical equipment around her* "Why am I in a hospital"

???: "Well, you did fall unconscious after beating that potato head last night."

Kira looked towards the voice to see Hitoshi on a hospital bed next to her with Denki sleeping on a couch next to Hitoshi's bed.

Kira: "Speaking of potato head was I able to end him."

Hitoshi: "Yep and luckily your move made it so no children got tramatized from potato head being killed and also can you take off that stupid mask already."

Kira: *Removes her mask* "Fine fine but I don't want to hear anything about mask when you had an entire gang of masked people who pulled pranks."

Hitoshi: "Hey, D.I.C.E was my super-secret evil organization."

Kira: *Rolls eyes* "Ah yes the super-secret evil organization that ran around doing pranks and leaving their calling card all over the place."

Denki: *Awake and shocked* "Wait so D.I.C.E was real."

Hitoshi: "Why yes they were my dear Pikachu."

Suddenly Aizawa and All Might walked into the Hospital room.

Kira: *Looks toward to two* "Oh how are you Aizawa and Toshinori."

All Might: "That isn't how yo-"

Denki: "If you dare say that you are her father then I will shock you with so much electricity that you will be spasming on the ground because I'm tired off you Yagi's and how persistent you are with thinking that Kira will ever consider any of you family after you didn't notice that she existed until she showed she had a quirk."

Kira: *Sighs* "Sorry about him Aizawa but Denki, Hitoshi, and I are not exactly fond of the Yagi's."

Aizawa: "I understand why but anyways I came here to inform you three that we will be enacting a dorm system where everyone will be staying at the school with the exception of one day a week and certain occasions when a student has been given permission by a teacher."


Kira: *Sighs and Facepalms* " Can you please quiet down remember that we are in a hospital."

Hitoshi: *Pouts* "Ok big sis."

Aizawa: "I guess that I will see you all next week problem children."

Hitoshi: "Well see you later zombie sensai."

(Timeskip to the next week)

When the trio were let go from the hospital thehy returned to their homes and got ready to move into the U.A dorms and when they entered the dorms they were immediately attacked with acid, explosions, and tape which was block by a wall off metal cards.

Kira: "Its seems like we've been happily welcomed back."


Kira: "I'm sorry but what are you talking about the only person I have murder was the guy who has been killing many innocents and heros over the past few decades."


Hitoshi: "Pffft HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I need ask where the heck did you get this information from."

Kirishima: "Bakubro told us about you killing Kiyotaka Ishimaru and Hifumi Yamada."

Suddenly Denki, Hitoshi, and Iida fell to the ground laughing while Shoka and Kira chuckled at the claim.


Kira: *Clears her throat* "Well to explain to you all those names were of people from another world."

Sero: "Thats a lie and you know it."

Kira: " Ah yes because bakugo is the innocent angel especially when he tried to kill me during the Heroes vs villians training session."

Kirishima: "He's more innocent then you."

Kira: "If you think so then let me tell you all a story about a class of 16 students stuck in a building in a world where there were no quirks, there were no heroes and they were all forced to play a game where they only let go if they were able to kill someone and get away with the murder but for the ones that are found guilty of the murder they were executed and among everyone in this room there are 5 participants presents."

Sero: "That's a lie how in the world do you expect us to believe that with no proof."

???: "I for one know that she is telling the truth and I will say that those that attacked the trio are getting a houses arrest's for a week." Everyone looks towards the voice to see Aizawa in his sleeping bag watching them.

Mina: "You can't be serious Mr. Aizawa how can we be sure that she is saying the truth."

Aizawa: "I know this because we had Officer Naomasa whose quirk allows him to detect lies listen in on our conversation when they told me, Nezu, and some other heroes about their true past and only us were supposed to know that but a certain hothead spilled it to this mutt here."

Mina: "But that means that Kira still murdered people how can we overlook that."

Aizawa: "Because the innocent person in this case has forgiven her."

Iida: "That is correct that I, Kiyotaka Ishimaru have forgiven Kira for killing."

Class 1-a besides the one's that knew: "WAIT WHAT"

Iida: *Confused* "What, I thought that it was already established that there were five people that were from that game."

Kirishima: "Wait a minute what about Hifumi Yamada how can we ignore that he got murdered in cold blood."

Iida: *Glares at Kirishima* "That worthless lump was nothing but a pervert who simped after a computer program of a person who was a boy but looked like a girl and to be honest, I'm glad that he got killed."

With that the Dr participants went to their respective rooms while everyone else from class 1-a processed what they just heard.

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