Chapter 24: Breaking the Ice Queens Shackles

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Kira: *Just returned to the observation deck to see most of the class surprised* "Is there something wrong with me?"

Class 1-a- dr particapants: "HOW DID YOU LIVE AFTER THAT LAST ATTACK."

Kira: "Oh did I not mention, a side effect of my quirk is that I am completely immune to any and all fire based attacks."

Izumi: " But then how did you get burns when we were younger."

Kira: "Oh do you mean this" *Uses masquerade cards to show burns on her body* "I simply made the illusion of me taking damage from your pathetic explosions."


Kira: *Glares at Bakugo* "You heard me mutt"

Bakugo: *Scared but doesn't show it* "Tch"

Aizawa: *Fake coughs* "Anyways that is the end of the mid term exams, we will have your results by next week."

(Timeskip to when class ends)

Shoka: "Hey Celes want to join me back home."

Kira: "Sure talking to Fuyumi was very interesting and this time I don't have to stop you from killing your older brother."

Shoka: *Pouts* "It was his fault for talking too much."

Kira: *Hugs Shoka* "Aww~ don't be like that Sho, he's your older sibling its his job to embarrass you."

Hitoshi: *sighs* "Yeah don't remind me of the multiple times you embarrassed me."

Kira: "Oh you mean your room which was entirely composed of purple Panta products"

Denki: *Shocked* "Were you really that obsessed with purple Panta."

Hitoshi: *Blushing from embarrassment* "Anyway's can me and keeboy come with you guys to Shoka's house."

Shoka: "Sure you guys can."

Kira: "Yeah I agree, it would also allow you to meet to soon to be brothers and sister in law."

Shoka: *Blushing* "Why did you have to say that."

Kira: "What are you talking about Sho, we're eventually going to get married, am I correct Sho."

Shoka: *Blushes harder* "U-um well yes but can we please stop talking about this now."

Hitoshi: "Yeah I think Shoka has been teased enough by her goth girlfriend."

Kira: "Fine little bro lets go to Sho's house."

(Timeskip to when they reached the todoroki residence)

When the group reached the Todoroki house, they were met by sounds of destruction and flames which led to the group to rush into the house where they saw an angry endeavor and an injured Touya and Natsuo defending Fuyumi who had a badly burned arm.

Touya: *Has his hand aimed at endevwh@re* "LEAVE US ALONE ENJI."

Endevour: " SHUT UP YOU USELESS BRAT" *Attacks with a flashfire fist*

Right before the attack hit Touya a wall of metal cards formed and Endevwh@re's lower body was encased in ice.

Kira: "Now now Enji we wouldn't want you to meet an unfortunate end now wouldn't we."

Endevwh@re: "WHAT DO YOU MEAN BR-" *Notices multiple ice spikes threatening to be launched at him and a ring of 2-combustion cards circling his neck. *

Denki:*Puts away his phone* " Ok I just called the police and Mr. Aizawa."

Kira: "Alright thanks Denki and Toshi control that idiot so he doesn't try anything."

Hitsoshi: "Alright big sis celes"

Endevwh@re: "DON'T EVE-" *Get's mind controlled*

(Timeskip to when the police and Aizawa get there)

Fuyumi was taken to the Hospital to treat her burnt arm while the police arrested endevwh@re.

Aizawa: *Looks at Touya* "Alright now can you please explain what happened here Problem child 2's brother."

Natsuo: "Problem Child?"

Shoka: "Please don't question it Natsuo."

Touya: "Well the flaming trash walked into the house angry and when Fuyumi tried to calm him down, he used his quirk to knock her away which led to her getting the burn on her arm, and due to the noise Natsuo and I went to see Fuyumi hurt and from there we defended Fuyumi."

Aizawa: "Alright now I need to know if you and your siblings have anyone who could provide for you all."

Touya: *Sigh* "Unfortunately no we don't have any way to provide for ourselves due to fuyumi's teaching job not providing a steady flow of income."

Kira: "If I may interject."

Aizawa: "What is it Problem Child 1."

Kira: "My father owns a casino and is looking for more pit bosses (Floor employees) and bodyguards for his casino due to its sudden growth in popularity."

Natsuo: "Wait what casino does your dad own?"

Kira: "Oh you probably heard of it, Salamanders Den."

Natsuo: *Shocked* "You mean the casino that the queen of gamblers: Celestia Ludenburg, gambles at."

(Natsuo is the only todoroki sibling that wasn't told about Kira or Shoka's previous life)

Kira: "Yes is that such a big deal."

Natsuo: "No its just that I've always wanted to meet her since I heard that she became the greatest gambler at the age of 10."

Hitoshi: "Pffft HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" *Starts laughing uncontrollably*

Natsuo: *Confused* "Did I say something wrong?"

Shoka: "Well actually Natsuo"

Kira: "I am Celestia Ludenburg the queen of gamblers."

Natsuo: *Shocked* "WHAT" *Looks at everyone for confirmation* "Your kidding right"

Aizawa: *Sighs* "Problem Child 1 here is indeed Celestia Ludenburg"


Hitoshi suddenly fell to the floor laughing while Denki, Shoka, and Kira chuckled to themselves and Touya and Aizawa just face palmed.

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