Chapter 2: The incident and New Family

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Kira POV:

After I left the two idiots alone, I thought I would take a longer way home so that I would have to run into them and when I was about to walk under a bridge, I had a feeling something bad was going to happen so I thought I would test out a special move of mine.

Kira: *Throws out a card* "Hand 1: fake out"

(Hands are what Kira calls her special moves and fake out creates a copy of kira through the use of masquerade cards to make it look like her and other cards to make it seem like a human body.")

Kira: "Ok go under bridge for me please"

Kira(clone): "Alright then me"

The clone then went under the bridge when I weird sludge thing suddenly came out of a manhole cover and attacked my clone, trying to suffocate it.

Sludge Villian: "Thank goodness I found a skin suit to get away from the muscle freak."

Next thing that happened was All might came out of the manhole cover and beat the villain and to test something I had my clone ask him a very important question."

Kira(clone): "U-um A-all M-might can you answer a question for me please."

All Might: "Yes I can young?"

Kira (Clone): "Yagi and in some of your interviews you said anyone can be a hero no matter their quirk so does you believe someone quirkless can be a hero."

All Might: *sighs* "I'm sorry young Yagi but I don't believe that quirkless person can be a hero because they would just get in the way of the real heroes, well then I'll be off"

After he left, I disabled my clone which just turned into a pile of cards that returned to me. After that I was walking home when i suddenly, I heard an explosion and when I went to investigate, and  I saw that the same sludge villian  All might beat not even five minutes ago but this time it had Bakugo in its clutches with heroes all around them not doing a single thing to help.

Random hero: "We can't do anything our quirks aren't meant for this type of situation."

Kira: "Tch useless heroes"

I then ran towards the villain and threw cards at its eyes to blind it and then I yanked out Bakugo before All might came in and punched the villain, after that the so-called heroes dared to try and lecture me while some other heroes praised Bakugo for no reason at all.

Random Hero: "Hey little girl you know that was dangerous, you  could ha-"

Kira: *Glares at them* "Have what died, it's not like you idiots were doing anything, heck I'm quirkless yet did more than you so-called heroes did."

Random Heroes: "W-well U-um"

Kira: "No shut it and you guys over there" *Points to the heroes praising bakugo* "What the hell are you praising him for, what almost dying"

The Heroes then got off my case and as I was on my way home I then her a certain red, yellow, and white muscle head telling Izumi and Bakugo about his quirk and how he wanted Izumi to inherit his quirk. The thing is that when asked about giving me the quirk he said "Kira does not have the spirit of a true hero" even though I know that he saw me single handedly take care of a hostage a villain without any specialized equipment. So, when I got home, I started to pack my things and made a call to the owner of the underground casino I normally go to.

???: *Picks up the phone* "Hey Celes have you decided to leave those b*stards."

Kira: "Yep and I will take you up on your offer."

???: " Alright come to the casino and I'll take you to your new home."

I still remember when I went to an underground casino just to get extra spending cash for my daily needs and then I met the own.

Narrator's Pov


5 Years ago

Kira is seen walking into an underground casino before getting stopped by an employee.

???: "Um young lady aren't you a bit too young to be in a casino"

Kira: "Well yes I am but since I'm young you guys will think you can scam me out of my money easier am I correct."

???: "Wow you are smart, and your name would be?"

Kira: "Well you can call me Celestia Ludenburg and who might you be"

Hisashi: "I'm Hisashi Midoriya and I'm the owner of this fine establishment"

Over the years Kira and Hisashi began to bond like a father and daughter with Kira telling Hisashi about her family issues, her quirk, and her dream to be a hero and Hisashi talking about his family. Through Kira's time at Hisashi's casino she began to get a lot of information to the point that she knew all the secrets of both heroes and villains which earned her the name Celestia Ludenburg the Queen of Gamblers. Hisashi eventually asked Kira if she wanted him to adopt  to which Kira told him to wait until she finishes middle school to which Hisashi told her to call him when she wants to get adopted by him.

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