Chapter 15: Mother and Sports Festival.

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Kira Pov

It's been a week since I went on my date with Sho and over that time we were 

told about a sports festival which was meant to be held and that it would be a time to show the world what were made of. I also was able to visit the Todoroki's -Endevwh@re and eventually Sho decided that she and I should go visit her mother at the mental hospital.

Sho: "Alright we're here, you ready celes."

Kira: "Of course my dear ice queen.:

Sho then opened the door to show a woman with white hair sitting on a bed looking out the window before she turned to us and teared up when she saw Sho.

???: *Tearing up* "S-shoka my beautiful little girl is that really you."

Shoka: *Gently smiling* "Yes, it is mom sorry for not visiting sooner." Shoka and her mom then talked for a little bit before she then noticed me watching them.

???: "Oh, sorry dear I didn't notice you."

Kira: "It is alright um..."

Rei: "Oh right well my name is rei Todoroki but you may call me rei."

Kira: "Ok then ma'am I am Kira Midoriya and I am your daughters girlfriend."

Rei: "It is nice to meet you."

Shoka: "Also mom remeber when I told you about that one girl from before."

Rei: "Oh you mean the gambler that you couldn't date due to the circumstance you were under." (Rei's way of saying oh you mean the girl from the killing game in your past life.)

Shoka: "Well" *Signs to Kira* "This is the girl"

Rei: *Chuckles* "It looks like love really has no bounds." *Looks at Kira* "Seeing as you have somehow found each other even after death then I guess you can call me mom from now on."

Shoka: *Heavily Blushing* "MOM"

Sho and her mom then talked with me occasionally being asked a question until we left.

(Timeskip 3 days)

Today was the day of the sport festival and when we walked out to te stadium I saw hundreds of heroes in the stadium and saw multiple cameras either in the stadium or in the air recording before midnight appeared and cracked her whip to get everyone's attention.

Midnight: "Alright everyone before we start this years sport festival I would like for the 1st place of the Entrance Exams Kira Midoriya to come to the stage to give an opening speech.

Kira: *Sighs* "Of course I wasn't told about this until now."

I then unwillingly go up to the stage.

Kira: "I am here today to show that no matter what quirk you may or may not have your path is yours to choose and don't let the idiotic opinions of others change the way you think and if you want to be a hero then train for it and show those who doubt you what you can do because its your life and yours alone and nobody else can control it so go beyond."

Everyone: "PLUS ULTRA."

Midnight: "With such an inspiration speech let's start this festival, so its time to spin the wheel."

A wheel was then spun and landed on obstacle course in which everyone who was participating lined up on the starting line and when they started the race I simply made some tea and watched as the students struggled to move past the first part of the race and when I saw Sho in first place I decided to finish my tea and finish the race.

Present Mic: "IT LOOKS LIKE SHOKA TODOROKI IS IN FIRST PL- WAIT A MINUT-" *Gets smacked in the head by Aizawa.*

Aizawa: "Stop using your quirk when I'm right next to you idiot."

Present Mic: "Anyways as I was saying what is Kira Midoriya doing."

Aizawa: "It seems like she is drinking tea."

Present Mic: "I get that part but why isn't she participating in the race."

Aizawa: "Its because she's working smarter not harder." *Points to one of the screens in the commentators booth8

I then simply snapped my fingers and teleported to the trickster card that had been flying throughout the course while I was drinking my tea.

Midnight: "It looks like Kira Midoriya has taken the First place spot."

Some of the Heroes were booing me for somehow cheating until Aizawa explained that it was a part of my quirk and after that Midnight then told us that we would have a break before the next part of the festival.

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