"Hey! who you calling Low leve-?" Havoc says but gets cut off by her mom shoving her so she can get to the front and say something to me. "Onyx knew you would come, I guess you're as dumb as he thought you were. Did you really think that note would give him away? You and your family will never find the villain league." Surge says to me with a smudged look on her face. 

"Anyways, you're not worth our time, nobody knows who you are so children. She's all yours. We don't get paid to play with low-level heroes." Kraniac, Surges husband says to all of us.

The husband and wife leave to go to what I thought was home, but later I'd find out wasn't. Onyx counted on me to be the one to find the note and want to fight on my own. My own ego got ahold of me and made me realize that I jumped the gun.

Havoc and Chaos both look at me and look angry. They both get in their fighting stances and so do I. "I will enjoy this," Havoc says as she claps her hands together to make her sonic boom. She hit me with it, and it caused me to stumble back a little. "Wow havoc, you've really brought your A game. let me guess. Your dad is trying to get promoted too?" I ask her as I get up and get inside her head. "My mom actually, and I don't appreciate you getting inside my head." As she said that she sonic screamed in her head to get me out.

This caused me to bring my hands to my head and scream. Being inside people's minds is a very fragile process. I become extremely vulnerable to everything. I would say this is my own big weakness. 

I looked over to havoc and chaos, they were talking about something then havoc disappeared. It was just chaos now he walked closer to me with a neutral face. I quickly stood up from the ground and put my fists to my face ready to fight him. Even though he still made me feel weak in the knees. I still had my small crush on him. 

"Relax, I'm not going to hurt you. You've already proven that you're not powerful enough for a whole family." He says to me, I get offended by this and I sweep his legs so he falls on the ground. He looks up at me in shock. "bring it" I say to him as he looks up at me.

His face goes from shock to a smirk in a matter of minutes and he gets up. Once he gets up I then use my powers to manipulate the background around him, so he now thinks he's walking on a tight rope. 

"Where did you put us?" he asks me I could hear the slight panic in his voice. I smirk at him, I'm not anywhere... You, on the other hand, are on top of the empire state building rope walking. Hope you're not afraid of heights Chaos." I say to him, I see him looking down which gives me an advantage. I shove him and he's defeated. His mind thinks he's falling off the building, but in reality, he's just looking at the ground. I squat down to his level, and the vision fades. "Am I still not powerful enough for you?" I asked him and he looks around confused. "I thought you sent me to New York?" he asks and I laugh. 

I let him stay on the floor, and I looked at the town around me and had to take a double take. Chaos's family was coming our way, and my mouth was wide open. Half of the town was destroyed, and it was all my fault. I was too busy trying to show off to chaos that I didn't even realize that the rest of the family was destroying the town. I looked distraught, and the other villains looked at me with joy in their eyes.

"well-done son for the distraction. Our job here is done now. Thanks, Song, tell your family that we're glad they didn't come. Especially Ivy and Electric. Bye now." Surge says as they grab Chaos and they disappear. Ivy and Electric are my mom and dad, my parents are going to kill me. I think to myself.

Right before I could even escape going back home, the news caught up to me. "Were here live with Song, after a very tragic event that destroyed half of this town. Song, tell us what happened? Song where is your family? Song why did you let this happen? Song are you starting a solo career?" The TV news reporters put me on the spot and asked me so many questions all at once. I couldn't even talk, I was so distracted by this loss. This town is destroyed, and it's all my fault.

It only took a few minutes until my family was here. I knew I was in deep trouble for this. When my family saw me I saw both my mom and dad giving me the death stare. Their faces quickly changed when the press swarmed them instead of me. I snuck to stand next to my brother and he whispered to me. "You are in some serious trouble Song..." he says and I look at him and I felt sweat starting to form.


"WHAT were you thinking... Going to fight Onyx ALONE! You cost that city thousands of dollars in repair missy! You didn't think that we found out about that note? That's a classic villain league trap, and you fell for it! You should have told us..." my dad lectures to me, his body was so tense that his electricity went off and broke our living room lamp. My mom comforts him and rubs his back and he relaxes a little bit. "Honey, any junior hero would of fell for that, you fell for that once remember? Onyxes dad did that to you. She reminds me of you, you know." She says with a small smile.

"Mom, I'm not a junior hero, I total kicked Chaos's butt, you should have seen his fac-" I get cut off by my dad. "That's not the point here..." He says and I quickly quiet down. I was stuttering from crying so much, I already felt bad for my actions and to top it off I'm sensitive and can't handle when people yell at me. The only time I don't cry is with villains.

"Just go to your room Melody, your dad and I will fix this... You too Bradley, go to your room." My mom says to us and Bradley sighs and goes to his room also.

( I hope you guys enjoyed this flashback, I have big things happening for my next Episode 8 made-up chapter! At least I think it's a big deal. lol Anyways I'll update once I watch episode 8, which comes out on Friday! yay!! )

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