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( Hey guys, before the chapter starts my own episode I would just like to thank you all for so many views! I'm so honored, and I hope you're all enjoying this book as much as I am.

I'm so proud of this story, I still have a few more ideas for this story.

Also, I do plan on having smut in this story, but I'll put a warning in the beginning and right before it happens. I'll also put ( end of smut ) in there as well if any of you decide to skip it.

Thank you again for sticking to this book, now let's get on with the chapter! )

( Flashback )

I still remember the first and only time I got to fight crime by myself. Of course, I got no recognition for it, but hey... Beggars can't be choosers.

I've always been a hero but a hero in a group my whole life. Whether it be with my family or my duo with Starling. 

The only reason why my solo career didn't do so well was that I caused a huge mess. It cost the city thousands of dollars in repair. It was a small town like Valley View too. 

It's all my fault too, the mission was a family mission, but I cracked the code too soon and I didn't want to wait for my family's plan. I knew I could defeat him by myself. 

Do I regret going alone? No, I still to this day believe I was ready for that fight. My family and I would have cost that city thousands of dollars anyways. I just damaged my name alone, at least my family's name isn't damaged. Only songs.

What this meant for me is that I could no longer have a perfect solo career. I have to forever be with a group or duo. Which I am pretty upset about, but who knows. Maybe I could make my solo career good still. Since I was so young during that time anyways.


I took notice of everything Onyx was doing. When he fought my family he paid no attention to us. He sent his minions instead to go after us. We knew he was planning something, but we didn't know what yet. But I was the first to find out what he planned. It wasn't even that villain(e)... He was deciding who he wanted to promote for the villain league.

Much like the hero league, the leaders had to decide who to promote to their higher-up circles. I found this out in the aftermath of the battle we had. We barely won the fight, and right before we left, I quickly scope out the place to find clues. 

I then found a note left behind from one of the villains he sent, he was setting us up... The note read, "Show me what you got to be chief of the villain league. Then I might consider you... Go to 563 centropolis ave. There you will find some high-level status heroes. Fight them. Then report back to me - onyx" 

I couldn't believe what I was reading, he was using us as some sort of villain interview... 


( actual solo fighting flash back )

Okay, I figured out what's going on, I found out where Onyx will actually be, and I will give him a taste of my mind! I think to myself, it was currently 3 pm, and my family hadn't decided on their plan yet. I quickly snuck away to the location that I tracked on my phone. I used the handwriting to track down onyx. 

I used my powers to take me to a location in a small town. When I got there I saw Chaos and his whole family. "We were expecting a whole family, not their little runt of a daughter..." Surge says to me. I give her a half smile, "well you got me, and I can take on some low-level villains. But I'm not here for you. I'm here for Onyx... Where is he?" I ask them while getting into my fighting stance.

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